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iCoyote International Student Orientation

CSU San Bernardino (CSUSB) has returned to regular in-person classes.  All international students are expected to be in the United States at the start of classes and registered in the required number of units (12 units for undergraduates and 6 units for graduates).

Orientation Dates

* International Orientation fee, $70 will be charge to student’s account after census date.

CISP's iCoyote 101 Orientation Dates
Fall 2024         

For current students trying to release orientation holds, for not having completed the orientation videos and/or the immigration document submission, please complete the below.

Part 2: Orientation Videos

Part 3: Immigration Document Submission

Spring 2025 Late Orientation

January 31, 2025 Friday 12pm-1pm CGI-108

RSVP for late International Student Orientation Part 2: Orientation Videos

Part 3 is completed by new students after arriving in the US.  Please note, the required documents cannot be submitted prior to entering the US. 

Part 3: Immigration Document Submission

Fall 2025 Orientation





iCoyote 101                 

iCoyote 101 International Student Orientation is designed specifically for new international students at CSUSB. The purpose of the program is to help incoming international students transition to CSUSB and the U.S. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to meet other international students from different countries.  

The in-person International Student Orientation is mandatory, and all students must attend. Failure to attend orientation will result in a hold being placed on your account. This hold will prevent you from being able to enroll in courses or receive services from our campus. Students who do not meet this requirement may fall out of status resulting in the termination of their immigration records. 

The orientation process consists of 3 required steps:

Step 1: RSVP for the iCoyote 101 International Student Orientation

Register for the iCoyote 101 International Student Orientation session, by clicking the “Part 1: RSVP for iCoyote in-person Orientation” link in the table above. Attendance is required.

Step 2: Complete the Self-paced Orientation Program

Please review the orientation videos by clicking on the “Part 2: Orientation Videos” link in the table above. These videos include useful information about the CSUSB campus and important immigration information. You must review and answer all questions after each video.

You will need to log in using the following: 

  • Login ID:
    • Please note: Utilizing will not work for this log-in. 
  • Password: Your myCoyote password 

Step 3: Submit Immigration Documents

To complete the immigration check-in process, you need to gather all the following documents and submit copies online:

  1. Passport bio page -- the page with photo and date of birth
  2. Form I-20 or DS-2019
    1. If CSUSB issued an I-20/DS-2019 for F-2 or J-2 visas for your dependents, we require all immigration documents for each dependent, including a marriage certificate for spouses.
  3. Visa
  4. I-94 (which can be downloaded from here)
  5. Proof of Health Insurance (which can be purchased following the instructions here

Once you have your documents ready, please submit by clicking on the “Part 3: Immigration Document Upload” link in the table above. You will need to log in using your Please use Microsoft Edge, Firefox or Chrome to access the Document Upload System as Safari is incompatible

NOTE: If you are missing a document, please fill out the Statement of Missing Document Form for each document you are missing in order to complete the submission process. The International Student Services team will contact you if any documents are missing for immigration purposes. 

Reminder: All 3 steps of the iCoyote 101 International Student Orientation are required and must be completed.

  1. Complete the self-paced orientation videos;
  2. Attend the in-person iCoyote International Student Orientation session; and,
  3. Submit the required documents.

What to expect at Orientation

  • Meet with academic advisors
  • Understand academic and graduation requirements
  • Learn about immigration regulations and how to maintain status
  • Get to know the International Ambassadors 
  • Become familiar with CSUSB policies and procedures 
  • Learn about health insurance requirements and benefits
  • Meet international student advisors 
  • Make new friends