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Professors Across Borders

CISP Professor Across Borders

The Center for International Studies and Programs (CISP) administers the Professors Across Borders Program (PAB). The program is funded by CSUSB’s Faculty Professional Development Coordinating Committee through Academic Affairs. The PAB program contributes to campus internationalization by engaging faculty in global research, conference presentations and publications, grant writing, and curriculum internationalization. Through faculty engagement, PAB also strengthens relationships with partner institutions outside of the U.S.

PAB is administered by CISP, with oversight and selection managed by the PAB Executive Committee. Please direct program related inquiries to

PAB Description and Application

Every year, the application deadline for the Professors Across Borders (PAB) travel grant is in February. Grants in the amounts of $500 to $2,500 will be awarded based on the quality of the proposals and their potential for contributing to the campus' internationalization process. Please note: Recipients of previous Professors Across Borders travel grants are not eligible for funding unless reports have been submitted for past awards.

PAB Grant Application         PAB Report Form

PAB Travel Guideline

PAB Travel Instructions

For any questions, please contact