Main Content Region

Webform Submissions

By default, Content Editors do not have direct access to Webform submissions. If you would like direct access to your Webform submissions, please email

Permissions can be granted to:

  • View Submissions
  • Edit Submissions
  • Delete Submissions

Most users will only need to view submissions, but in some cases, permissions to Edit and Delete submissions can be granted. These permissions are separate from the emails that are sent when most Webforms are submitted. 

Viewing Webform Submissions

  1. Login to Drupal using the "Drupal Login" link in the footer of any Drupal page.
  2. Navigate to your Webform
  3. Hover over the Pencil icon at the start of your Webform and select "Results". This Pencil icon is separate from the Page edit Pencil and may not be at the top of the page

    Webform Results Link
  4. You will now see a list of Webform Submissions. You can view individual submissions details by selecting the Submission ID number link.

Please Note: The Submissions table is taller and wider than a normal page layout. You can scroll vertically as you would on a normal page. To scroll horizontally, hover over the table and hold "Shift" while using the mouse wheel to scroll up and down on the wheel. 

Downloading Webform Submissions

  1. Following the instructions above for "Viewing Webform Submissions".
  2. While on the Webform Submissions page, select the "Download" link from the top of the page. 
    Submission Download Link
  3. On the Download tab you will be presented with Download Options - The Download Options group allows you to limit the downloaded dataset based on a number of different factors. Under the "Limit to" dropdown, you will see several options to filter the Webform Submissions. The two most commons are "Latest" and "Created Date"
    1. Limit to Latest - By selecting Limit to "Latest", you will be presented with a new field called "Number of Submissions". This will download the most X recent submissions where X is the number you enter in the new field. So if you enter "10" in the field, your downloaded dataset will be the 10 most recent submissions.
    2. Limit to Create Date - By selecting Limit to "Create Date", you will be presented with two date picker fields for "From" and "To". These two fields combined will allow you to set a date range. Only submissions within that date range will be downloaded. 
    3. Limit to All - By default, the download will include all submissions.
  4. Selecting the "Download" button will prompt you to save a .xlxs file. This file will have columns that contain information related to submissions that are not specific fields on the webform, such as Serial Number, Submission ID, Submission URI, etc. You can freely delete these columns from your downloaded file. 

Editing Webform Submissions

  1. Following the instructions above for "Viewing Webform Submissions".
  2. Select the Submission ID number link for the submission you would like to edit.
    Submission ID Link
  3. Select the "Edit" link at the top of the page.
    Submission Edit Link
  4. You can now edit any of the submitted data. Select the "Save" button at the bottom of the page when you are done making edits. 

Deleting Webform Submissions

Warning: Deleting a submission is permanent. Only use if you are sure it is safe.

  1. Following the instructions above for "Viewing Webform Submissions".
  2. An individual submission can be deleted in one of two ways. 
    1. Deleting one or multiple Submissions from the All Submissions Screen
      1. Select the checkbox of the submission you would like to delete.
      2. Choose "Delete Submission" from the "Select Operation" dropdown.
      3. Select the "Apply to Selected Items" button to delete the checked submissions.
        Delete Submissions
    2. Deleting a Single Submission from the Individual Submission View
      1. Select the Submission ID number link for the submission you would like to delete.
      2. Expand the "Submission Information" dropdown.
      3. Select the "Delete Submission" button to delete the individual submission.