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Spotlight Example

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Blackboard Collaborate (Web Conferencing)

Blackboard Collaborate (formerly known as Elluminate) is a web conferencing system that allows a host (or instructor) to meet, present, and/or collaborate with its audience (or students) synchronously. Blackboard Collaborate also gives the host the ability to record a session and share the session at a later time asynchronously.

Respondus Assessment tools for learning systems

A powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be published directly to Blackboard or printed to paper. Just login with your Coyote ID and password.

Add a Spotlight

  1. Login to Drupal using the "Drupal Login" link in the footer of any Drupal page.

  2. Select the "Content" link from the top left of the Drupal Administrator Menu, then select the blue "+ Add Content" link.

  3. From the Add Content page, select "Spotlight". Alternatively you can go directly to the Create Spotlight page using this Create Spotlight Page link.

  4. You will be presented with several fields when you create your link block:

    1. Title: The title of your Spotlight. 

    2. Body: Description and details for your Spotlight.

    3. Image: The image for the Spotlight.

      •  Alternative text is required if an image is used. The alternative text should be a short description of the image that is used by screen readers and displayed when the image is not loaded. This is important for accessibility.

    4. Link URL: The URL the spotlight will link to

      • Right underneath the Link URL there is a text box labeled "Link text", this will be the text used for the hyperlink.

    5. Category is used to categorize Spotlights in Drupal. Each website that displays spotlights has a category specific to that website. This is the field you will use to make the link blocks display on your website. If you do not know your category, please email with the name of your site and URL of the page. We will let you know which category you should be using for your site.

    6. Section Access: Lastly, enter the Section Access that is associated with your Spotlights and select the "Save" button which will save the Spotlight and publish it.

Edit or Remove Spotlight

  1. Hover over or click on the spotlight you'd like to edit in the top right corner of it.
    Edit Spotlight

  2. The edit page allows you to make updates to any field in the Spotlight. Once you have made the necessary changes select the "Save" button at the bottom to save your edits.

  3. To remove a Spotlight from your website, select "Unpublish" from the dropdown in the right sidebar and Save the Spotlight to unpublish it and remove it from your website.


Re-Order Spotlights

Spotlights can be ordered in number of different ways, either by alphabetical order via title (a-z or z-a), newest to oldest first (or visa versa), display weight, plus others. You will be able to rearrange your spotlights if they are sorted by Display Weight. Any other method, you will need to contact Web Services for assistance. 

To change the Display Weight of a Spotlight:

  1.  Open the "Edit Spotlight" page for the respective spotlight.
  2.  At the bottom of the page, under "Section Access", modify the "Display Weight" by selecting a value from the dropdown list. Depending on sort order of the spotlights, either smaller numbers will have priority or larger numbers will.
  3. Click the "Save" button to save changes. Visit the page the spotlight is located on and make note of the new spotlight order. This will help in modifying the Display Weight of the other spotlights.

Contact Web Services via email at for assistance on determining the Spotlight sort order or help reordering the Spotlights.