Main Content Region

D10 Interface Updates for Content Editors

As part of the upgrade to Drupal 10, the administrative areas have received a facelift! Below you will find screenshots of what Content Editors can expect to see starting December 5, 2023.

Key changes:

  • Modern and minimalistic design elements
  • Menu items in the toolbar now have drop-down menu functionality
  • Ability to highlight all "Edit" icons on a page with a single click
  • Ability to hide the side bar on a content edit page


The new look, featuring an updated top toolbar for Content Editors.

The new Content Editor view for Drupal 10


Toolbar menus now include drop-downs for quicker navigation — add a new page with a single click!

New drop-downs


Hover over your name and in the drop-down you will find the "Log out" link.

New user menu and log out


Use the new "Edit" toggle (next to the user menu) to make all the edit links show up on the page simultaneously or hover over an editable section to make it appear, just like the old days.

New Edit toggle feature

Edit button still works like it used to



The Content listing page now has the "Add Content" button in the upper right of the page.

Content page list theme updates


A content edit page with the new design, click the new "hide/show sidebar" button to minimize the side bar when you don't need it

Edit page view

New option to hide sidebar on edit content page