Example Events Listing
Drupal Events are imported from the Campus Events Management System. If your Drupal events are being imported into Drupal from EMS, please skip down to the Modifying Drupal Events section.
Adding a Drupal Event (Non-EMS)
Login to Drupal using the "Drupal Login" link in the footer of any Drupal page.
Select the "Content" link from the top left of the Drupal Administrator Menu, then select the blue "+ Add Content" link.
From the Add Content page, select "Event". Alternatively you can go directly to the Add Event page using this Add Event Page link.
You will be presented with several fields when you create your event.
Title is the name of your Event. Please be as descriptive as possible. Event titles like "Open House" are not descriptive enough when displayed on the Campus Events Calendar because they provide no context as to whose open house it is. An event such as this should be named similar to "ASI First Year Students Open House".
Date is the Start and End date of your event including time.
Image give you the ability to add a custom image to your event. This image should not be the flyer for your event or any image with complex information. The Description field will give you the ability to add these types of documents. Images uploaded in this field will display above the description when viewed in the Campus Events Calendar.
Event Location can be either a physical location or an online URL.
Description is where you will provide users the details of what your event is about. This field is where you can upload your event flyer if you have one. All information provided in your event flyer document must also be written out in the description field as text. This allows users to access the same information on both the webpage and digital flyer document.
Link allows you to add a preformatted hyperlink to your event. This URL link will be displayed as a Blue Button on the bottom of your event. The most common uses for this field is to present Registration links if your event requires registration.
Type is one of the two fields that we use to categorize events when users are browsing the Campus Events Calendar. The list of Event Types can be seen on the left hand side of the Campus Events Calendar.
Category is the second field we use to categorize events in Drupal. Each website that displays events has a category specific to that website. This is the field you will use to make event display on your website. If you do not know your category, please email webservices@csusb.edu with the name of your site and we will let you know which category you should be using for your site.
Once you have filled out your event information, select the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to publish your event to the Campus Events Calendar and your website.
Creating Drupal Events from EMS
To create Drupal Events that are entered in EMS and imported into Drupal, please log in to the Campus Events Management System. EMS uses a template system to build out events (called Reservations in EMS.) When you log in you will see your assigned reservation templates (templates will vary by each user role). There are different templates based on the space you are requesting, to learn more about the template click on the “About” button to the right of each template. Once you have identified the appropriate template click the “book now” button on the right.
EMS requires a reservation for a room being used/or requested for an event. Whatever room being selected will be imported to Drupal.
- Select your Date & Time on the left side menu. NOTE: The times you enter here are your overall reservation/room access times, not your event times.
- Search for your location by clicking “Add/Remove” in the locations section on the left side menu. A list of all campus buildings will show up and you can select the building that you would like to request space in. If you are using the SMSU templates you will only see the SMSU listed under “Locations”. If you do not see a room/space in EMS that you would like to request, please contact Special Events at (909) 537-5236.
- To request rooms for Recurring Events refer to page 8 of the Campus Events Management System Instructions.
- Once you have entered all of your room request information click on the blue “Search” button on the left side menu, a list of the rooms and the availability will show up in the window. Available time slots are displayed in white next to the room number/name. Adjust the time of your request (if needed), or search for another location by changing the information on the left side menu. Click on the room number/name link to view additional information about the rooms (i.e., set-up types, diagrams, features, etc.)
- Click on the “+” to the left of the room number/name to proceed (multiple rooms can be selected by clicking on the “+” next to the additional rooms).
Note: “Cap” column = room capacity.
Once you click on the “+” it will ask you for the number of attendees and your set-up type. The default set-up type will automatically appear, to change the set-up type click on the drop down box arrow. Your requested rooms will appear at the top of the page under “Selected Rooms” - Click on the blue “Next Step”
If you don’t need any equipment just click on the blue “Next Step” button in the top right corner.
- To request services/equipment click on the item you would like to add to your event. A pop up screen will appear asking you for the quantities being requested.
- Once you have added your services/equipment it will appear in the “Services Summary” box on the right side of the screen.
- After adding equipment needed for your event click on the blue “Next Step” button in the top right corner.
Reservation Details
The following event fields are required in EMS and will affect what is imported into Drupal:
- Event Name (imported into Drupal as Title) is the name of your Event. Please be as descriptive as possible. Event titles like "Open House" are not descriptive enough when displayed on the Campus Events Calendar because they provide no context as to whose open house it is. An event such as this should be named similar to "ASI First Year Students Open House".
- Event Type (imported into Drupal as Type) is one of the two fields that we use to categorize events when users are browsing the Campus Events Calendar. The list of Event Types can be seen on the left hand side of the Campus Events Calendar.)
- Would you like your event published on the web calendar? - This needs to be "Yes" since it controls whether the event is imported into Drupal or not.
- Event Description is where you will provide users the details of what your event is about.
- Event Start Time is the start time of your event.
- Event End Time is the end time of your event.
To create your reservation click on the green "Create Reservation" button in the bottom right corner.
Modifying Drupal Events from EMS
For events that are entered into EMS and imported into Drupal, all fields except for Image are control by EMS. If you need to make changes to any field other than Image please log in to the Campus Events Management System and modify your event in EMS. Changes to your event in EMS will automatically be imported into Drupal the following day.
If you have an Events view on your website, to add a specific Event to your website view, add the corresponding Event Category to the Drupal Event that matches with the Category used in your Event View. If you have any questions about your Event Category, or need a Event view added to your site, please email webservices@csusb.edu.