Add a Page
- Login to Drupal using the "Drupal Login" link in the footer of any Drupal page. Or use the Drupal Login Link.
- Select the "Content" link from the top left of the Drupal Administrator Menu, then select the blue "+ Add Content" button.
- From the Add Content page, select "Page". Alternatively you can go directly to the "Create Page" page using this Create Page Entry link.
- You will be presented with the following fields when you create your page:
- Title: The Title of your page will appear in the banner area of your website when someone visits the page.
- Content Area: To add content to your page, select a content layout style from the Content Area dropdown. The following are the different content layout elements that can be added to the Content Area from the dropdown:
- Single Column
- Two Columns
- Three Columns
- Four Columns
- Single Column Float Image Left
- Single Column Float Image Right
- 35%-65% Column Split
- 65%-35% Column Split
- Card
*You can review how to add content to these sections on the How to Edit Content with the Drupal Editor page or view more about the individual layouts at Page Content Layouts.
- Section Access: Lastly, enter the Section Access that is associated with your website. If you you do not know what section access you should be using, please email Select the "Save" button which will save the page and publish it.
- The new page will now be created but not yet added to your website. Your new page will have a banner that contains the word "DRAFT". Please do not use this draft page in emails or link to it from your site. To add the new page to your website, please email
Edit a Page
- Visit the page you wish to modify.
- Use the mouse cursor to hover over the page's Content Area. A pencil icon will appear at the top right corner of the page and when selected, will display a menu. Select "Edit" from the menu. This will open the "Edit Page" page.
- For another method to edit a page:
- Navigate to the Drupal Content Page by selecting the "Content" Button in the top left corner of the Drupal Admin Bar.
- Filter the Drupal content by adding the Page Title to the Title field and selecting "Page" from the Content Type dropdown
- You can now select "Edit" for any page entry that you have access to that matches your filter.
Remove a Page
To remove a page for your website, please contact the Web Services team via email at