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Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE)

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

The NIH-funded U-RISE program (Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement) program is seeking excellent undergraduate students who plan to continue their academic careers and gain a Ph.D. in research-based disciplines that have relevance to health (psychology, biology, chemistry, kinesiology, etc.). Students with an interest in basic or more applied research are encouraged to apply. Students selected for the U-RISE program will receive a stipend of over $1,100 per month while working with a CSUSB faculty researcher, travel money for conferences, a tuition waiver that will cover approximately 50% of tuition expenses, and summer placement in a research laboratory at a major university.

To be eligible, students must have a strong GPA, goals consistent with the purpose of the U-RISE grant (i.e., the intention of gaining a Ph.D. in a health-related field), a desire to be actively involved in research, and have two years remaining in their undergraduate careers. U-RISE participants must be US citizens, noncitizen nationals of the United States, or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time of appointment.

Interested students should contact Dr. Cynthia Crawford (Program Associate Director) at or Dr. Jacob Jones (

Information Sheet

Download U-RISE Information Sheet

Information Session 

Dr. Crawford and Dr. Jacob Jones will be hosting an info session for students who are interested in the URISE program 

Location is hybrid: SBS 463 


Register to Attend (Zoom)

Apply Today

Application Deadline: TBA via InfoReady

Submit an Application HERE