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Student Research and Travel

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Notice Regarding Student Research & Travel Grant: We regret to announce that funds for the Student Research & Travel Grant for this academic year have been exhausted. The grant application process will reopen on July 1st. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to apply once funding is available.

Program Description

Associated Students Incorporated (ASI) is an on-campus organization that provides many services for students, including awarding funds to support student research. They offer a substantial amount of money, which provides funding for both undergraduate and graduate student research and creative activities. The application process has become increasingly competitive, so we recommend that students read through each application page thoroughly to ensure it is understood completely and properly.

Award Details

This program encourages and supports both undergraduate and graduate student research and creative activities by providing funding for student research and travel related to academic growth and development. Students may use the funding to conduct research for an independent study, an academic course, an honors project, or a master’s thesis project. Additionally, funds can be used to present at or attend conferences. Funding is made available through Associated Students Incorporated and Instructionally Related Programs.

Please note that funding is not guaranteed for any request or project. A maximum of $1,000 will be awarded to each student per academic year, though there is no limit on the number of requests a student may submit. However, the full amount requested may not always be funded.

All projects involving human subjects and/or vertebrate animals must submit proof of Institutional Review Board (IRB) and/or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval as part of the application and/or before the release of funds.


Students are encouraged to apply at least 60 days before the funds are needed  to ensure that all proper approvals are received before the trip. Funds must be used within 60 days from the award date, or they will be returned to the funder for redistribution. Students traveling must submit for reimbursement within 30 days post-travel, or the award will be forfeited and redistributed.


  • CSUSB undergraduates, postbaccalaureate, graduate, and doctoral students.
  • Must be enrolled in the semester in which they apply.
  • Must be in good academic standing.
  • Undergraduate minimum GPA: 2.5
  • Graduate GPA: 3.0

NOT ELIGIBLE: Students enrolled through the College of Extended Learning

Submission Guidelines

The following submission guidelines should be followed:

  • Applications are due on the 20th of each month (August- April, excluding December and May) by 11:59 pm. 
  • Application and proposal submission must be submitted online through InfoReady.
    • Please select the grant to which you are applying,
    • Log in with your MyCoyote ID,
    • Complete application
  • The application must be written by the student, not the faculty mentor. Any signs of
    plagiarism will result in the application being withdrawn.
  •  Incomplete applications will not be processed.
  • Notification of the award will be sent to the student’s CSUSB email within 4 weeks following
    the application deadline.


  • Students MUST apply for funds prior to travel. If awarded, students must receive pre-approval before making travel arrangements. Applications for retroactive reimbursement ware not accepted.
  • Students must complete the Travel Liability Waiver.
  • All students traveling internationally MUST complete a Foreign Travel Approval/Insurance Request form found with the application documents. Travel insurance should be confirmed before the travel; OSR will provide support with this; please contact our office for more information.
  • International travelers must also attend the pre-departure meeting. Once a request has been received, the OSR will notify students of the meetings.
  • Group Travel – If traveling with a group, each student must present their own receipts for airfare and hotel. Students must provide the attendees’ names within the group and those that they are lodging with a start date.
    • All students awarded funding for travel must now go through a pre-departure approval process. This process must be completed once the award notification has been issued, and prior to making travel arrangements. Reimbursements cannot be processed without having all pre-approvals. Pre-Approvals are estimated to take up to 30 days after all forms are properly submitted; please plan accordingly. 
      1. Complete the [found here] and the Pre-Departure Forms [click here], including your cost estimates for approval.
      2. OSR will submit the Concur Travel Pre-Approval Request on student's behalf.
      3. Do not book any travel until Concur approval is finalized.

Please carefully read the application guidelines BEFORE applying.

View Student Research & Travel Application Guidelines (revised 1.30.2025)

Apply Today!

Notice Regarding Student Research & Travel Grant: We regret to announce that funds for the Student Research & Travel Grant for this academic year have been exhausted. The grant application process will reopen on July 1st. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to apply once funding is available.