Palm Desert Campus:
Transportation Options
BIKE Are you interested in riding your bike to campus? A Palm Desert bike route map can be found here.
VANPOOL We connect employees who live near each other and provide them with a recent-model van or SUV. Riders commute together, saving money and freeing up time to relax or catch up on work. It’s an easy way to start and end the day in a better mindset. For more information see our Vanpool Program: CSUSB Vanpool.
CARPOOL Looking for a better way to get to campus? You’ve come to the right place! When you share the ride, everyone benefits; your community, the environment, your car, and your wallet! We encourage alternate modes of transportation and reward eligible participants with our various incentive programs. Anyone using any form of alternative transportation is eligible for an incentive. See if we can partner you up with carpool buddy by checking out our Carpool Program.
BUS Getting to the Palm Desert Campus on the Sunline bus is a great way to travel. It is easy, relaxing and affordable. The bus has wi-fi and can also accommodate bicycles. There are two bus options for PDC students to use for their needs:
- PDC Sunline Haul Pass Bus Program - CSUSB students, faculty and staff can ride for FREE on all Sunline bus services. Riders must have their Coyote One Cards present with them at all times. SunLine's Fixed Route Network is comprised of 9 lines throughout the Coachella Valley.
- CSUSB/PDC Commuter 10 Link Bus - CSUSB students, faculty and staff can ride for FREE on a weekday service, Monday through Friday, that enables riders traveling to and from the Coachella Valley. Riders must have their Coyote One Cards present with them at all times. The roundtrip regional route has a westbound schedule that begins at 5:20 a.m. and an eastbound schedule that begins at 8:45 a.m. This 92 mile route begins with two stops in the Coachella Valley at the SunLine Indio facility and the Palm Desert campus. An additional stop at the Beaumont bus stop, and continues, stopping at the CSUSB main campus, and at the San Bernardino Transit Center and Metrolink station.