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Employer Resources

Student Employment Handbook
New Hire

Completed Student Assistant Employment Transaction Request forms may be emailed to Student Employment will review the request and will contact the hiring department should we have any questions related to transaction form details. New student employee hires are not authorized to begin training and/or working in their offered position until the new hire process has been successfully completed. We will contact the selected student via their MyCoyote email address for further instructions on how to complete the new hire process.

New student assistants must provide original employment eligibility items to complete the hiring process. A list of acceptable items can be found under the New Hire tab.

Routing Slip

Transaction Request Form

Bridge & Rehire

Student Assistant Timesheet

Students are required to complete a monthly time sheet to receive monetary compensation for the services they provide.

When completing the time sheet be sure to download in Adobe. A timesheet should be an accurate listing of the actual time and dates worked under that specific month.

The supervisor will verify that the hours worked are accurate. This document is the student's record of hours worked for the pay period. The supervisor will submit the student's monthly hours to the payroll reporter or directly to payroll on a Student Assistant Listing (Payroll) . Students must be paid for all hours worked. Hours cannot be rolled over on to the next month’s timesheet.

The following information should be checked on the time sheet for accuracy:

  • No hours for a payroll period other than the one reported
  • Partial hours reported in .10 increments
  • The 20 hour per week limitation/40 hours during authorized vacation periods
  • Correct mathematical calculations
  • Class schedule information completed
  • Timesheet signed by student and supervisor
  • All corrections on time sheet are initialed by student and supervisor in ink
  • No paid lunch: the Fair Labor Standards Act mandates a 30-minute unpaid break be provided for every 6 hours worked per day
  • Students are entitled to a 15-minute paid break for every 4 consecutive hours worked

Students may enroll in Direct Deposit. Those who do not may pick up their monthly paychecks at the Bursar's Office in University Hall, Room 035.

Performance Evaluations

HEERA (Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act) gives MPP’s the authority to take employment actions such as to hire, discipline, finalize performance evaluations, submit in-range/classifications, etc.

It is recommended that program administrators(MPP/Dean/Dept Chair) complete performance evaluations for student employees and discuss the student’s performance, strengths, and areas needing growth and development.

Student Assistamy and Federal Work Study Evaluation Form

Compensation Change

For the 2023-2024 Academic Year, students will not be eligible for compensation increases as the Student Employment office instilled a $.50 raise for all students making $15.50 and are now supporting a minimum pay of $16.00 per hour. Performance Evaluations are still encouraged but will not guarantee an increase in compensation. Compensation changes or updates may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis; however, Student Employment reserves final approval rights for any submitted change.

For pay rate updates, student employee compensation rates should be determined strictly by the duties and responsibilities required to perform the job and not by the innate ability of a student employee, the student employee’s longevity on the job, or the availability of departmental funding. An updated description of duties that have been authorized by the department Program Administrator (Dean/MPP) should be submitted with each request to justify the requested pay rate. 

Pay Rate Change Guide

Cherwell Compensation Change Request


Electronic Student Assistant Separation Request

Voluntary Separations include:

  • Resignation
  • Graduating (cannot work beyond the last day of finals week during eligible term)
  • Student to staff or faculty position transition

Per AB 2410, which amended Section 220 of the Labor Code, an employee who voluntarily resigns must be paid wages earned no later than 72 hours from the date of separation.

Although it is customary to provide at least two (2) weeks' notice, such notice is not legally required.

  • A student assistant who resigns from employment must be paid wages earned no later than 72 hours from the date of separation.
  • If the student provides notice of resignation at least 72 hours in advance, then all wages earned must be paid on the last day of employment.

Involuntary Dismissals Include:

  • GPA Ineligibility
  • Budget limitation
  • Attendance/observance of work hours
  • Serious misconduct
  • Involuntary Dismissals must have HR Approval before any action is taken. 

Per AB 2410, which amended Section 220 of the Labor Code, an employee who is discharged must be paid wages earned immediately.

Note: The student is entitled to receive pay for all hours worked at the time of separation.  Failure to comply is in violation of the Assembly Bill AB 2410 section 220 and may result in fines to the department. Please contact Student Employment for general guidelines before proceeding with a dismissal request.

Mass Separations

Mass terminations for Students under Job Codes: 1870 and 1868 will be completed at the end of every academic year. (No termination paperwork required if the student employee is expected to be rehired.)

Mass terminations for Students under Job Code: 1874 will be completed at the beginning of every academic year. (Termination paperwork required for students performing "final eligible employment session after graduation" on or before the last day of finals in the subsequent semester.)