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Registering for Classes

To register, students need to have already obtained admission to the university, a nine-digit Coyote ID number and an activation code. Registration is done online, through the Student Center on the MyCoyote student portal. Please review quarterly class schedules for registration dates and regulations. Also, please check for any registration holds prior to registering for classes. Holds can be viewed on the Student Center, over in the upper right-hand column labeled “HOLDS”. The Office of the Registrar is located in University Hall (UH), Room 171. Veterans and active military students are welcome to check with the campus Veterans Success Center, where staff can guide them through the necessary registration steps.

Class Registration

  • Veteran and active military students who provide a copy of a DD-214 form to the School Certifying Official will be assigned an Enrollment Appointment on the first day of registration for the subsequent term. Eligibility normally commences after the first semester of attendance.
  • Veterans are required to provide the number four copy of their DD-214, which states honorable discharge. 
  • All required documents should be provided to Jaime Espinoza, CSUSB’s School Certifying Official. He can be reached at (909) 537-7196 or by e-mail at His office is located within the Veterans Success Center, Building 23-006A.

Registration Fees

Registration fees will be due by the scheduled due date as printed in the quarterly class schedule, or students will be dropped from their classes for non-payment and a $25 administrative fee will be assessed. Refer to the "fees" pages in the class schedule for more information on important deadlines and refund information.

Registration Helpdesk, Location and Hours

Telephone: (909) 537-7671

Photo identification is required for all walk-in services.
University Hall, Lobby 171
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Extended hours are for the first 10 days of classes every term: Monday - Thursday 7:30am - 6:00pm; Fridays 7:30am - 5pm

Registrar staff are also available by appointment for the first 10 days of classes every term.


Military Leave Policy