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Student Awards

College of Natural Sciences Dean's List 

Each semester, the College Dean recognizes students who have excelled in their grades. To be selected by the Dean for recognition, the student must earn a minimal GPA of 3.5 on at least 12 graded units of coursework. We are very proud of these students and their accomplishments.

Congratulations to our Fall 2024 and our 2022-2023 Annual Dean's List students!

Past Awardees


CSUSB Kinesiology Outstanding Student of the Year

Marisol Valenzuela


American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Maurice Cruz


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners

Macyn Cornish- Health Promotion

Daniels Fox- Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education

Angela Haven Barandino-Exercise Science

Haydin Pazdur- Allied Health Professions



CSUSB Kinesiology Outstanding Student of the Year

Alma Martinez 


American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Alma Martinez 


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners

Rosalinda Escobar-PradoAllied Health Professions

Haydin Pazdur- Exercise Science 

Ashlea Barrett- Exercise Science (Palm Desert)

Katherine Walker- Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education



CSUSB Kinesiology Outstanding Student of the Year

Annette Ruvalcaba

American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Annette Ruvalcaba


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners:

Braulio Cazarez- Allied Health Professions

Cheyenne Wood- Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education 

Michael Torres- Exercise Science 

Annette Ruvalcaba- Exercise Science (Palm Desert)



CSUSB Kinesiology Outstanding Student of the Year

Carmen Wardwell (College of Natural Science Undergraduate of the Year)


American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Carmen Wardwell 


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners:

Drucilla Lightfoot- Allied Health Professions

Kailyn Alari- Exercise Science

Kassandra Villalobos- Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education



American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Holli Rosas


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners

Alexander Cade Sparks- Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education

Sean Bonilla- Allied Health Professions

William Prince- Exercise Science



American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Laura Contreras Ballesteros


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners

Sergio Espericueta- Exercise Science

Shea Caddel- Allied Health Professions

Laura Contreras Ballesteros- Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education



American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Steven Moursalian


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners

Kaylie Balvaneda- Allied Health Professions

Joseph Cablayan- Exercise Science

Madison Uhrmann- Pedagogy

Michael Ginter- Adapted PE



American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Rafael Alamilla (National Scholar Award Winner)


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners

Darren Favela- Allied Health Professions

Rafael Alamilla- Exercise Science

Kaitlyn Cooper- Pedagogy

Marc Abbott- Adapted PE



American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Ashley MacLeod 


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners:
Andrew Khong Exercise Science
Christina Cooper Allied Health Professions

Steven Sandoval -Pedagogy
Stephanie Sanford- Adapted Physical Education

Kinesiology Student Association received Gold status for the Community Service Award from the Office of Student Engagement.


American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Nicole Sauls (College of Natural Sciences Undergraduate of the Year)


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners:
Abdiel Fuentes (Exercise Science)
Nicole Sauls (Allied Health)
Sarah Leighton (Pedagogy)
Andrew Zapata (Adapted Physical Education)

Kinesiology Student Association received Gold status for the Community Service Award from the Office of Student Engagement.


American Kinesiology Association- Undergraduate Scholar Award

Adrianna Mitchell


SHAPE America Major of the Year Award Winners
Adrianna Mitchell- Exercise Science
Danielle Otto- Allied Health Professions
Deanna Bechard- Pedagogy
Sarah Leighton- Adapted Physical Education)