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General Information

Where is the Equipment room and what are the hours?

The equipment room is located in the basement of the Health and Physical Education building, HP-B05. The equipment room is open Monday-Friday from 7:00am-3:30pm and closed on Saturday and Sunday. If you are in need of equipment outside of this time frame, please make arrangements with the equipment manager.

What are some career options for Exercise Science majors?

Exercise Physiologist, Athletic Trainer, Biomechanist, Personal Trainer, Researcher, Aerobics/Group Exercise Instructor, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Specialist, Dietitian/Sports Nutritionist, Employee Fitness Director, Medical Physician, Occupational Physiologist, Physical/Occupational Therapist, Strength (Sport) and Conditioning Coach, Teacher/Lecturer/Professor


More information about ACSM's Careers in Sports Medicine and Exercise Science [PDF]

What is the Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education concentration?

The Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education concentration is curriculum-based approach to movement for individuals. Or put another way, teaching Physical Education teachers how to teach Physical Education.

What are my choices within the Kinesiology Major?

CSUSB offers the following concentrations under the Kinesiology Major (see advising forms for class requirements and times):

  • Allied Health Professions (formerly Pre-Physical Therapy)
  • Exercise Science
  • Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education (formerly Pedagogy)
  • Health Promotion
How can I check out equipment for a class?

To check out equipment, students must be enrolled in a Kinesiology class for the term. At least 24 hours notice is required.

Students will need to fill out the Equipment Reserve form as well as bring their CSUSB ID to be able to check out equipment.

Any questions regarding the equipment reservation process can be directed to the equipment manager, Benjamin Liscano.

What are the Kinesiology Department’s faculty office hours?

All Kinesiology faculties’ office hours can be found on our webpage here: Student Support Hours.

How do I add a class?

If a class is open, students may add classes through MyCoyote until the first week of classes is over. After the first week, or if the class is already closed, students will need to request permission online through the Permission Request link from their Student Center. 

Permission is required for all closed classes. If the class is waitlisted, students will need to add themselves to the waitlist and watch for email confirmation once enrolled. Students are strongly encouraged to check their CSUSB email account daily!  

Census is the last day to add or drop without record of enrollment (no W grade). You can find more important dates on the Office of Registrar's webpage, here.

When do I need to file a grad check and where do I go to do this?

To avoid late fees, a grad check must be filed by the posted deadlines. Information on how to submit a grad check and to pay for a grad check fee can be found on the Office of Registrar's webpage.

Do you offer classes to waive the CSET?

Please note that credential programs and CSET waivers are through the College of Education.

No, we do not have classes to prepare you for the CSET. However, if you complete our Physical Education and Adapted Physical Education program and get your degree, you do not have to take the CSET, it is waived. More information regarding the CSET waiver form, contact information, and more can be found on the College of Education's webpage.

What are the requirements of Physical Therapy graduate school programs?

Please view the links below for a list of requirements at various physical therapy schools in the area.

What are some career options for Allied Health Professions majors?

Physical therapists, Physical Therapy Assistants, Physician’s Assistants.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is an umbrella term; in its most basic form, it is a study of human movement. Kinesiology has many subsets, including, but not limited to: Sport and Exercise Physiology, Sports and Exercise Psychology, Biomechanics, Sports Nutrition, Pedagogy, Adapted Physical Education, Motor Behavior, Coaching, Sports Administration/Management, Outdoor Recreation, Athletic Training, and sport/exercise activities.

Where can I find information on my upcoming commencement ceremony?

The Commencement Office has information about upcoming commencement ceremonies.


Advising Information

Where can I locate my PAWS report?

Sign into myCoyote to find links to your PAWS report. For more information, please visit the Office of Registrar's webpage.

Why do I have a hold on my account and how do I get this removed?

Check your myCoyote account for any holds which will keep you from being able to register for courses. Click on the details to see which office at CSUSB has placed the hold and to see instructions on how to get the hold removed.

How do I make an advising appointment?

We encourage students to seek advising to ensure they are on the right track for graduation. Students can make an appointment with their advisor at any time during the year. More information on how students can make an advising appointment can be found on our webpage, here.

Who are the Kinesiology Department’s advisors?

Each student is assigned a faculty advisor based on their concentration. You can find who your faculty advisor is in your Student Center and you can book an appointment here