Purpose of KSA

The Kinesiology Student Association (KSA) was established in order to unite students who have a common interest in the field of Kinesiology; giving them the opportunity to create new friendships, network, and to gain many opportunities in the Kinesiology field. KSA will serve the community by volunteering and educating local students/residents, create great social opportunities for all of its members, supply students with information on education/careers after CSUSB, and improve members’ overall understanding in the field of Kinesiology.
To follow on with KSA’s goals, events and opportunities that will be offered will include (but are not limited to) guest speakers from various professions, informational sessions regarding graduate school, networking events on or off campus, and other outreach opportunities in which students can get involved (i.e research with faculty, food drives, internships and conferences). Alongside the many volunteer opportunities offered, KSA also offers leadership opportunities for students to enhance their resume and CV, while providing opportunities to develop communication and enhance team building skills that would provide benefit in future careers.
2024-2025 KSA Officers:
President: Haydin Pazdur (csusbksapres@gmail.com)
Vice President: Aidan Franklin (csusbksavpres@gmail.com)
Treasurer: Michael Rodriguez (csusbksatres@gmail.com)
Secretary: Angela Haven Baradino (csusbksasec@gmail.com)
Public Relations: Sarah Acevedo (csusbksapr@gmail.com)
Events Committee: Miracle Busby (csusbksaevents@gmail.com)
PDC Coordinator - Apply for the position (csusbksapdc@gmail.com)
Community Outreach Committee: Theodore Locey (csusbksacom@gmail.com)
Email csusbksapres@gmail.com if interested in joining the board.
Requirements to join KSA:
- Members must be current California State University, San Bernardino students. They must be at least a part time student (6 units or more).
- Members must pay an annual fee of $40.00 (includes KSA shirt) and fill out an application which is found in the department office HP-120. Fee must be cash and in exact change.
- Log onto myCoyote → search for Coyote Connection → in the search bar type and find “Kinesiology Student Association”, click to join.
- Will receive a welcome email from the President with further instructions.