Mission Statement
Physical activity and movement are fundamental to human vitality, growth, development and maturation. Movement, in its various forms, provides meaningful experiences for individuals and has significance for their societies. The California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB) provides direction and guidance for these activities and their organizational forms through general education, core and specialized areas, service, and research toward the end of developing students who will make constructive changes in an ever evolving field of Kinesiology.
The study, practice and appreciation of human movement encompass internal and external motor behavior, the process of motor learning, motor control, and motor development; the personal meaning and significance of movement; and the impact of wellness on individuals during their life span. The study of human movement may be pursued in different alignments including, factors contributing to effective physical performance.
The mission of the Department of Kinesiology at CSUSB is to become a recognized leader in the field of human movement studies. We intend to fulfill this mission by offering unparalleled opportunities and experiences in classes, seminars, field work experiences, clubs, and organizations involved with the study of human movement. These activities are an integral part of the total education of our students. Additionally, CSUSB students not majoring in Kinesiology deserve these same opportunities and receive them through our general education life long learning and activity classes.
The primary purpose of the undergraduate professional preparation program is to provide a strong foundation of interdisciplinary and academic studies capped by specializations, internships, field experiences, and research. The goal is to establish a tradition of excellence in developing independent, critical thinkers who possess a broad-based education, with an in-depth understanding of Kinesiology. The curriculum is designed to educate and prepare future professionals to become leaders capable of living and working effectively in a changing world.
The Kinesiology Department at California State University, San Bernardino strives for optimal student success during their academic programs and in prospective jobs and/or post-graduate degree programs. We as a department have high ethical and professional standards that help promote an environment where all individuals have the opportunity to succeed academically, professionally, and personally. We expect these standards to be followed on campus and in the classroom, at any external events, and at any teaching or observational environments where you are representing CSUSB’s Kinesiology Department.
1. Accountability:
- Attend class, arrive on time, and return from break in a timely manner.
- Participate in group activities and assignments at a comparable level to peers.
- Complete work in a timely fashion and according to directions provided.
- Come to class prepared, with readings and other homework completed.
2. Respect:
- Treat all your peers, your instructors and all others, with dignity and respect at all times.
- Listen while others are speaking.
- Be a willing participant for both your instructor and your peers.
- Give feedback to peers in a constructive manner.
- Approach conflict with peers or instructors in a cooperative manner.
- Use positive and nonjudgmental language.
3. Confidentiality:
- Treat any personal information that you hear about a peer or an instructor as strictly confidential.
- Maintain any information shared in class or smaller groups within that unit.
- Use judgment in self-disclosing information of a very personal nature in the classroom. (Class time should not be used as therapy or treatment. If students feel the need to talk about issues with which they are struggling with, they many consult with their instructor to receive a referral for counseling.)
- Never use names of patients/clients/ students, or disclose other identifying information in the classroom.
4. Competence:
- Apply yourself to all your academic pursuits with seriousness and conscientiousness, meeting all deadlines as given by your instructors.
- Come to class with books, handouts, syllabus, and pens/pencils.
- Follow directions and rubrics when provided.
- Seek out appropriate support when having difficulties to ensure success in completing course requirements.
- Take responsibility for the quality of completed tests and assignments. An assignment should not be considered complete until it meets all classroom expectations (i.e., stapled, typed, etc.).
- Strive to work toward greater awareness of personal issues that may impede your effectiveness within your profession.
5. Integrity:
- Practice honesty with yourself, your peers, and your instructors. Constantly strive to improve your abilities.
6. Academic:
- Commit yourself to learning the rules of citing other's work properly.
- Do your own work and take credit only for your own work.
- Acknowledge areas where improvement is needed.
- Accept and benefit from constructive feedback.
7. Diversity:
- Strive to become more open to people, ideas, and creeds that you are unfamiliar to you. Embrace diversity.
- Maintain speech free of racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, or stereotyping.
- Exhibit a willingness to serve diverse groups of persons.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how values and culture interact.
8. Professionalism:
- Hold your expectations of yourself to a level suitable for the professional setting.
- When presenting or teaching, dress in attire that is suitable for a professional environment.
9. Communication:
- Strive to improve both verbal and written communication skills as these skills are used heavily in interactions with patients, clients, colleagues, students, and peers. Conduct your role as a presenter, an evaluator, and/or a participant in a manner that would be suitable in the professional environment.
- Demonstrate assertive communication with peers and instructors.
- Emails should address instructors and other professionals using appropriate language and respect.
- Phone calls/voicemails should address instructors and other professionals using appropriate language and respect.
- Practice positive, constructive, respectful and professional communications skills.
- With peers and instructor: (body language, empathy, listening).