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Graduate Coordinator's Toolbox

Graduate Coordinator's Toolbox
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WebAdMIT Application Review Process Manual

A step-by-step training manual on how to review graduate program applications in the WebAdMIT (Cal State Apply).

WebAdMIT Application Review Process Manual

Assignments/Faculty Review Process in WebAdMIT

A step-by-step training manual on how to complete the assignments/Faculty Review in the WebAdMIT (Cal State Apply).

Assignments/Faculty Review Process in WebAdMIT (Feb-2020)

Best Practices for GPA Requirement CSUSB Best Practices for GPA Requirement

California Code of Regulations

Title V

The Master's Degree

The Doctor of Education Degree

Admission to Graduate Standing

Academic Probation and Disqualification

Cal State Apply Application Guide

A guide for students on how to complete the CSU Apply application.

Cal State Apply Application Guide (Sep-2017)

Change of Program Application (COPA)

Steps for graduate students who plan to switch from the quarter bulletin to the semester bulletin: Submit a revised program plan and a Change of Program Application ($6.00 fee waived) to Melissa McCammack in the Office of the Registrar.

Change of Program Application (COPA)
PBAC - Credit by Examination PBAC - Credit by Examination Form

Faculty Senate & Graduate Council

The Faculty Senate is responsible for representing the university faculty, and addresses campus policies, including graduate education. The Graduate Council is responsible for development and review of all policies and procedures pertaining to graduate programs. Council recommendations are forwarded to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for consideration.

Graduate Council Members

Grad Council


Faculty and Staff Resources (Office of the Registrar) OTR - Faculty and Staff Resources
Graduate Outreach and Recruitment Guide CSUSB Graduate Outreach and Recruitment Guide
Graduate Program Outreach Presentation Graduate Program Outreach Presentation

Guides to Graduate Exceptions from the Audit (EFA)

Below you will find guides to complete specific EFA tasks:

Guide to Graduate Exceptions from the Audit (EFA) - PeopleSoft

GRAD EFA - PAWS - Reviews the EFA types available on the PAWS report


GRAD EFA - PeopleSoft - Navigation to view already requested EFA's in PeopleSoft

Guide to Graduate myCAP

MyCAP Tutorial (Video)

MyCAP Overview (PDF)

Graduate Coordinator's Access to OnBase

Log-in through the Horizon HTML system to access the Electronic Decision Form.

Coordinator's Access to OnBase (Apr-2020)

Graduate Coordinator's Handbook

A quick reference guide to university policies and procedures, and the role of the graduate coordinator.

Graduate Coordinator's Guidebook AY 2024 - 2025

Graduate Program Information List

List of all graduate programs and Cal State Apply application deadlines.

Degrees and Department Contacts

Holistic Admissions 

Graduate Studies has developed a workshop and handout on holistic admissions, a process that considers the applicants unique experiences as well as academic achievements. Program coordinators are encouraged to review their admissions criteria and work toward a holistic approach.

Holistic Review in Graduate Admissions Presentation

Holistic Admissions Handout

Online Change of Grade Quick Reference Guide Change of Grade Cheat Sheet for Faculty

Academic Notice Advising Form for Graduate Coordinators

This form is for students who have been placed on academic notice to work with you to develop a plan to raise their GPA to the minimally required 3.0. The completed form should then be emailed to

Academic Notice Form

Waiver of Program Residency Requirement

In accordance with university regulations, no more than 9 semester units of credit may be earned outside of residency within the program. In order to request a waiver of this requirement a waiver request must be submitted.

Waiver of Unit Requirement Form

Recertification of Expired Coursework (For students without PAWS admitted prior to fall 2020)

This request is required to recertify courses older than the maximum number of years specified by your program. The maximum age limit for a course to be recertified is twelve years since the course was first taken, and only two-thirds of a program can be recertified. For students admitted fall 2020 or after use the Exception from the Audit (page 9) process to recertify. 

Recertification Request Form

Thesis/Project/Dissertation Committee Change Form Committee Change Form

Thesis/Project/Dissertation Committee Policy and Guidelines

This document sets forth policies for functioning of thesis, project, and dissertation committees, including the number of committee members, expectations, and procedures for addressing vacancies and disputes. The guidelines were approved by the Graduate Council on 6/1/2020.

Thesis/Project/Dissertation Committee Policy and Guidelines

Thesis/Project/Dissertation Supervision Workshop

Presented by Caroline Vickers, this workshop describes the policies and guidelines for thesis, project, and dissertation committees at CSUSB.

Thesis/Project/ Dissertation Workshop Video

CSUSB Guidance on the Use of Generative AI in Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

This document offers preliminary guidance on the use of AI in graduate theses, projects, and dissertations written at CSUSB. This guidance will be updated as higher education learns more about the impact of generative AI on academic work. Approved by CSUSB Graduate Council on 3/4/2024.

Guidance on the Use of Generative AI in Theses, Projects, and Dissertations


Instructional tutorials, tips, and cheat sheets for using PeopleSoft and managing data.

This new query will provide the following information for new graduate applicants;

  • Student information (ID Name, Last Name, Gender, and Ethnicity)
  • Application information (Application Number, Admit Term, College, Academic Program, and Academic Plan)
  • Enrollment Status (Admit Type, Program Action, and Enrollment Status)
  • Other related information (Ext GPA and Institution Origin)

Graduate and postbaccalaureate applicants may apply for a degree, a credential or a certificate. Depending on their objective, applicants may be accepted in one of the following categories.

How to Run a Query for a List of All Graduate Students in Your Program

How to Run a Query for a List of New Graduate Applicants

Categories of Graduate Admission

Information Session and Event Marketing

Graduate Studies can email your information session flyers, program announcements, and events to prospective students via our CRM system. Complete the Info Session Advertising form to request an email campaign. Prospective student emails are sent out once a week. 

Info Session Advertising