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CAPE Blended Programs

CAPE: Blended Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs at CSUSB

Coyote Accelerated Post-Baccalaureate Education (CAPE) programs at CSUSB merge baccalaureate and master’s degree programs into a single, accelerated pathway.

Blended Programs Overview

CSUSB can now offer blended bachelor’s and master’s degree programs! Blended programs provide an accelerated pathway to a master’s degree and are an attractive option for undergraduate students who plan to obtain a master’s degree. Students in blended programs transition directly from undergraduate standing (bachelor's) to graduate standing (master's) without having to apply to the graduate program.  Up to 12 units of graduate coursework may apply to both the undergraduate and graduate degrees. These programs increase access to graduate study and reduce the time and expense of obtaining two degrees.

Background and Policy

In July 2022, the CSU Board of Trustees voted to amend Title 5 to permit students to apply a maximum of 12 units of graduate level coursework towards both their bachelor's and master's degrees, opening the door to creating blended programs.  The policy established by the CSU establishes systemwide minimum requirements for blending undergraduate and graduate degree pathways. These include reporting procedures, application and enrollment processes, tuition, and minimum requirements.  Issues not addressed by the CSU are determined at the campus level.

Cody Coyote CSUSB Blended Programs
CSUSB's CAPE programs blend bachelor's and master's degrees.


How to Create a CAPE Blended Program at CSUSB

Coyote Accelerated Post-Baccalaureate Education (CAPE) is the unique name given to blended programs at CSUSB.  CAPE programs can be created from existing CSUSB bachelor’s and master’s programs, usually in the same support mode (stateside or self-supporting). Students must complete a minimum of 138 units to earn both degrees.

CAPE programs must be approved by the university and the Chancellor's Office, but Chancellor's Office approval is not required until the CAPE program has gone through the campus level curriculum process. The CAPE programs do not need to be projected. WSCUC approval is not required. The approval process includes an initial consultation with the Dean of Graduate Studies, updated P-forms for the undergraduate and graduate programs to indicate that the CAPE program is available, and a completed B-form. Details are provided in the Procedure and Process section of FAM 841.33.  Please read the entire FAM on blended programs carefully; it describes blended program criteria requirements, reporting and enrollment processes, and other important details.

Additional Resources


Caroline Vickers, Dean of Graduate Studies
(909) 537-5058;