The most commonly requested forms are available below in pdf and/or Adobe Sign format. Instructions for completing each form are also attached.
Note: Students who are considering changing programs should contact Graduate Studies at (909) 537-5058 for advising. Instructions are given on a case-by-case basis.
Action | Form |
Graduate Admission Appeal - If you wish to appeal the initial admission decision please follow the appeal instructions and submit the completed Graduate Admission Appeal Form within 15 days of your denial notification. |
Graduate Admission Appeal Instructions Graduate Admission Appeal Form |
Graduate Application Correction | |
Non-Degree Seeking Student Application - Applying for a non-degree program as a transitory student (If you are interested in becoming a Transitory Student, please contact the department from the listed special programs on the application). | |
Open University -
Want to take a university class without being admitted? Open University allows anyone to enroll in classes without being admitted to the university. You can take courses for personal enrichment or start your college career. Open University gives you the flexibility to take courses on a space-available basis and earn college credit. |
Open University |
Action |
Form |
Academic Notice Advising Form - If you are on Academic Notice use this form in your advising meeting with your program coordinator. Return the completed form to |
Academic Notice Advising Form |
Adding or Dropping a Class (After Census through the 12th week*) - Current Term Approvals can also be requested through the Permission Request link on your Student Center. Completed forms should be sent to the Office of the Registrar. *If you are attempting to withdraw after the 12th week of the term scroll down and complete the Withdrawal Petition for Extenuating Circumstances request (see below). |
Adding or Dropping After Census Permission to Add Through Student Center* |
Change of Program Application (COPA) - The COPA is for continuing students only and can be used to change concentrations within the same program or drop a second enrolled program. It should not be used to change to an entirely different program. A new application is required to change to a different program, even if both the current and desired programs have the same program coordinator. | |
Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing - Enroll in a continuous enrollment course, through the College of Extended Learning, to complete a thesis or project, or to enroll in the comprehensive exam. | |
Discount of Previous Grade - Retaking a course and replacing the previous grade with the new grade. | |
Incomplete Grade Extension Request - Use this form to request additional time to complete an incomplete grade. |
Leave of Absence Request - If you plan to be absent from the university for one or more terms you must file a leave of absence request to preserve your catalog rights.
Petition for a Retroactive Add - Adding a Class to a Past Term | |
Request for a Retroactive Withdrawal - Use this form to request to withdraw from a previous term. | |
Simultaneous Enrollment - Approval request to take two CSUSB courses with overlapping times. Approvals can also be requested through the Permission Request link on your Student Center. |
Thesis/Project/Dissertation Committee Certification - Submitting your thesis, project, or dissertation for review (Adobe Sign process). | |
Thesis/Project/Dissertation Committee Change Form | |
Withdrawal Petition for Extenuating Circumstances - This form is used to withdraw from a course after the 12th week of the term. Include supporting medical, psychological, or military documentation with your request. |