PREP (Professional Resource and Engagement Program)
You've defined your future. Now PREP for it!
Professional Resource and Engagement Program (PREP) is a space for you as a CSUSB graduate student to take advantage of free workshops to develop professionally and personally. Your rigorous graduate program at CSUSB engages you in a rich academic experience and allows you to develop a high level of expertise. PREP prepares you to articulate how your academic expertise aligns with your personal and professional development. Your academic journey is a personal one as is your professional persona. PREP offers you a selection of seven categories as shown below. When you see a category that piques your interest based on your own needs, click the link to locate related PREP workshops as well as other relevant workshops across campus. As you engage in these personal and professional development opportunities, we encourage you to take advantage of CSUSB’s free access to the e-portfolio platform, Portfolium, to highlight your accomplishments and growth as a graduate student at CSUSB.
PREP Update: Last year the Office of Graduate Studies launched the Professional Resource and Engagement Program (PREP), which sought to provide a space for graduate students to gain personal and professional development through various workshops and programming available through our office and the campus at large.
It is our goal, now, to offer an opportunity to have a tangible reward for partaking in such events. Beginning Spring 2021, students who complete at least five listed activities in any given category, Communication & Writing, Innovation, Financial Well-Being, Leadership & Career Development, Research, Teaching & Mentorship, or Wellness are eligible to receive a certificate of completion in that category.
These activities must be completed before your graduate program is completed in order to receive the certificate.
Please be prepared to provide a piece of documentation for each event, and send an email to gradstud@csusb.edu when completed to receive your certificate.