Master's Advanced Credential Program FAQs
Is CSUSB College of Education Accredited? By what organizations?
Yes, all of our programs are accredited in their respective areas and the college is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education and the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
What can I use the waiver form for?
- graduate writing requirement
- 12 unit limit
- seven year course rule
- extension of time to complete and incomplete
- retroactive withdrawal
Masters / Advanced Credentials: What is a Certificate of Clearance and how do I apply?
The Certificate of Clearance verifies that the credential candidate has completed the Commission on Teacher Credentialing professional conduct review evaluated by the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation and has met the personal qualifications necessary to obtain a regular California teaching or service credential. Credential candidates who do not hold a valid California document or a valid Certificate of Clearance must submit an Application for Certificate of Clearance prior to official and unconditional admission to a credential program and no less than 60 working days prior to enrolling in course work requiring field experience in the public schools. (updated by rg 2016)
How Do I Get Started on a Masters Degree?
There are several ways to get started: One way is to make an appointment with the Recruitment Specialist or register for Program Virtual Advising. Another way to get started is to attend one of the many informational meetings offered by the programs (these dates are listed on each program's website). Finally, you could just apply to the program of your choice.
Arlena Allende Program Admissions Advisor Masters and Advanced Credential Programs 909-537-5291
Which masters/doctoral degree programs and credentials does College of Education offer?
Take a look at our list of programs:
Where do I send my three (3) letters of recommendation?
Applicants should send their recommendation letters to Arlena Allende ( or include in the CSU Apply Application.
How important is Accreditation?
Accreditation is very important because it shows that the institution is meeting or exceeding the highest standards possible. In addition teachers trained by accredited institutions are often hired first and are more successful in their teaching positions than those teachers who are trained by non- accredited institutions.
What if a student needs to complete the exam in handwriting to meet an ADA accommodation need?
If a student must take the handwritten version, there are two options.
- We can provide opportunities for the student through the testing center on campus.
- ProctorU provides the option whereby a student can complete a handwritten exam while being video monitored and then scan the hardcopies into ProctorU resulting in the exam being converted to a digital format for grading.
How is test integrity ensured?
ProctorU is a live 24/7 proctoring company with proctors watching students take their examinations in real time. ProctorU has a three step process to ensure that the student isn't utilizing additional notes or information when taking their examination and they are as follows:
Watching the Test-Taker - ProctorU watches test-takers through a camera so ProctorU can see them and they can see the proctors. ProctorU use the camera to check their physical environments such as the rooms the student are in, the work stations where they are seated, and their monitor screens to make sure there are no notes attached. Proctors are trained to look for indications that a student may be cheating (e.g., abnormal eye movement, sudden body movements, students talking to themselves while taking their examination, etc.).
Watching What the Test-Taker is Doing: ProctorU not only watch the students through a camera ProctorU also monitors their computer screen to make sure they aren't using any additional resources. This is done using an interface with the students’ computers to check their virtual environment, which consists of looking for any virtual machines, duplicated monitors, dual monitors, mirrored monitors, or any other applications that are open before they get into their examination (Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, iTunes, etc.)
Verifying the Identity of the Test Taker: ProctorU makes sure that the correct student is taking the exam. ProctorU will ask the student to show a government issued valid form of ID (Passport, Military ID, Identification Card, Driver’s License). ProctorU will also take a picture of the student for their profile and then requires the student take a four question authentication quiz. This quiz is generated from public records and isn't the pre-defined questions that you would normally set yourself when creating an account.
Is there ADA accommodation for the online comprehensive examination?
Yes, ProctorU can address ADA requirements for students. In cases where they cannot, we can provide opportunities for students registered with the Services to Students with Disabilities office.
What is the cost to students?
61 – 120 Minutes $19.75 121 - 180 Minutes $25.00 181 Minutes or More $30.00
The basic cost requires that students schedule a testing session at least 72 hours prior to taking the exam. The next option, costing $5 more, allows the student to schedule 72 hours or less in the future. The most expensive option, costing $8.75 more, is “on demand” and allows the student to take the exam immediately without prior appointment.
What is the online process for the masters comprehensive examination?
Online Blackboard sites are used to organize students taking each of the different COMP exams. All students taking a particular exam are enrolled in the same Blackboard site. This enables Student Services to prep students for the exam and provides each student with access to a program faculty member and the support of other students taking the exam (e.g., study groups, discussion boards, sharing resources in preparation for the exam).
Students sign in to Blackboard to take the exam. Blackboard then links them to ProctorU so that their exam can be monitored in real time.
Students take the exam proctored by ProctorU
Student exams are then stored in Blackboard and can be accessed for grading by a faculty member.
What are the benefits of the online examination?
Greater accommodation to students’ schedules and the requirements of the profession that educators know how to use digital technologies.
Allows students to take the exams from any location and eliminates distant commutes.
COMP exam data in Blackboard will greatly increase the efficiency of extracting data required for use by the College of Education Office of Assessment and Research.
The use of Blackboard and ProctorU provides students greater ongoing support as they prepare for the exam--connecting them more readily to program faculty and to other students who are also preparing for the exam (study groups, sharing resources during preparation, etc.)
What if a student has concerns about the cost of the exam fees?
Students have to pay to take the exam online. This cost may be negligible for many students when figured against the fuel costs, time, and environmental impact of driving to campus as well as other costs such as child care, etc.
Who can I contact if I need more information?
Please feel free to call our office at (909) 537-7674 or send an e-mail to One of our program staff members will be happy to assist you.
When do I pay the registration fee?
The registration fee may be paid in advance or it may be collected at the door. There is a reduced fee for individuals you pay the registration fee in advance. Upon registration, you will receive information on how to pay the registration fee in advance. If you choose to pay the registration fee at the door, please know we can only accept cash.
How do I register for a CBEST, CSET, or RICA preparation?
The preferred registration method is through the online registration forms. Links are included under the "Registration" heading for each exam. It is also possible to register via e-mail by sending an e-mail to with your name and the review date/exam you would like to attend. Finally, you may register by phone by calling (909) 537-7674.