A Single Subject Teaching Credential creates a career opportunity to teach a specific subject or subjects in most middle schools and high schools in the subject areas of Art, English, World Languages (French and Spanish), Sciences, and more. We also offer an Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization Credential.
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A Multiple Subject Teaching Credential creates a career opportunity to teach all students including English Language Learners in a self-contained classroom (grades K-12, generally grades K-6).
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The Education Specialist Credential programs offers programs in Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN), Extensive Support Needs (ESN), and Early Childhood Special Education. The MMSN and ESN credential teachers to serve students with special needs in K-12.
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These programs are designed for individuals with work experience in a business, technical, vocational, trade, or industrial specialty to students in a Regional Occupational Program (ROP). The Designated Subjects Credential available include Career and Technical Education, Supervision and Coordination, Adult Education, and Special Subjects.

The M.A. in Career and Technical Education is designed to provide advanced and specialized education to personnel working in a variety of settings related to career, technical, and adult education such as secondary, post-secondary and other private and state environments. The program provides opportunities for teachers to gain expertise with and knowledge in pedagogy and andragogy required to teach their subject matter.
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The Master of Arts in Instructional Design and Technology program at CSUSB prepares students to improve their creation and use of instructional media in their teaching practice or to take their place in any number of careers. Two certificate programs (Educational Technology, e-Learning Certificates) are also available.
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The MA in STEM Education program is an innovative program for those who wish to advance their professional knowledge and skills in K-12 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education. With an emphasis on interdisciplinary perspectives and culturally relevant pedagogy, the program prepares STEM educators and leaders to empower diverse populations of student with STEM literacy and become informed citizens in an evolving, technology-driven, complex world.
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The Master of Arts in Education program at CSUSB prepares students expand their teaching practice or to take their place in any number of educational careers. The program prepares teachers to become leaders in transformative education, a process of change by which schooling practices effectively promote learning in a variety of educational settings. Two concentrations are offered: Elementary Education and Secondary Education
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The Master of Arts in TESOL is designed to meet the needs of English teachers in classrooms with English Learners both in the United States and abroad. We offer specialization in K-12 education, adult ESL, program management, and college-level English teaching. Teaching English in California and around the world is a fast-growing profession.
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The Master of Arts in Educational Administration program is designed to prepare educational leaders who will work collaboratively with others to establish a positive climate for powerful teaching and learning in the 21st century. The faculty is dedicated to working with our diverse graduate students by assisting them in acquiring appropriate knowledge, skills, and dispositions that will result in well-prepared school leadership teams/learning communities. An Preliminary Administrative Services Credential program is also available.
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We offer a robust and exciting curriculum, to prepare students for a rewarding career in counseling in a variety of settings. Students can be granted a Masters of Science degree concentrating in school counseling, which includes a PPS School Counseling Credential. Or, students can receive a masters degree concentrating in professional counseling, which meets the criteria for people interested in being certified as a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor (LPCC). Most students entering our program elect to combine these two concentrations to meet qualifications to earn both their PPS and LPCC, opening to many exciting job possibilities.
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The Master of Science in Special Education will provide students with advanced preparation in research methodologies and research-based practices that address contemporary topics and issues in the field of Special Education. Options for concentration in Early Childhood Special Education, Mild to Moderate Support Needs, and Moderate to Severe Support Needs are available.
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The School Psychology Program (Ed.S.) at CSUSB provides professional preparation for the Pupil Personnel Services Credential (PPS) with Specialization in School Psychology. The program is designed to fulfill all mandates for the Pupil Personnel Services Credential in School Psychology established by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). The program is also designed to meet the national accreditation standards of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP).
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The Master of Arts in Rehabilitation Counseling degree is a gateway that provides training opportunities that will sustain you throughout your future career. Rehabilitation Counselors work in a variety of agencies that serve individuals from youth (in high school) to the older populations. The Rehabilitation Counseling program provides graduates with the opportunity to serve those in need of assistance from transition aged high school youth to veterans.
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The Doctorate of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership program is framed around questions of equity, ethics, and social justice to bring about solutions to complex problems of practice. The program prepares educational leaders with the knowledge base and skills to lead reform efforts that result in improved student outcomes and educational transformation, particularly for our Inland Empire region.
This 3-year cohort-based program meets the needs of full-time professionals in the field of education, and offers two concentrations: PreK-12 or Community College/Higher Education.
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CSUSB offers both a minor and certificate program in Gender and Sexuality Studies. Both programs prepare students, through the study of gender and sexuality, with insights, knowledge, and interpretive frameworks that will equip them personally, intellectually, and professionally. Students to examine how gender and/or sexuality as social constructs shape (and are shaped by) individual lives, groups, institutions, and social structures.
The Bachelor of Arts in Career and Technical Studies provides students with significant occupational and teaching experience, and the opportunity to have that experience count as partial credit toward a baccalaureate degree.
The Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in Career and Technical Studies is designed primarily to provide an opportunity for transfer students from community college programs to continue a career path toward a well-rounded academic baccalaureate degree consistent with their goals in career and technical studies. The Designated Subjects are credentials, an E-Learning Certificate, and a minor in Entrepreneurship, which are all included in this degree for those who apply and qualify (the DS credential work experience).
New in Fall 2022 is our Undergraduate Minor in Counseling & Social Change. This minor will invite students to explore ways social and political contexts shape peoples' experiences, relationships, and the stories that shape us. As you learn to investigate these things through new perspectives, you will also be exposed to various helping professions and learn how basic counseling skills can be helpful as a way to engage in conversations. We will talk about how these conversations can change perspectives on problems that stand against the effects of oppression, inequities, and contentious relationships that are so much a part of our political and social culture.
To enroll, talk to your undergraduate advisor and/or contact Dr. Justine D’Arrigo, coordinator for the undergraduate minor in counseling and social change.