James R. Watson & Judy Rodriguez Watson College of Education OPEN HOUSE
The entire California State University system is taking all the necessary steps to mitigate the disruptions caused by COVID-19 while ensuring the health and safety for our students, faculty, staff and communities.
Unfortunately at this time, the COE Open House scheduled for May 26, 2020 has been cancelled.
The 18th Annual COE Graduate Student Research & Scholarship Symposium is moving to an online format. The call for abstracts will be shared soon.

Celebrating our commitment to our students and communities
Vision 2020: Celebrating the 2nd Annual COE Open House and
18th Annual COE Graduate Student Research & Scholarship Symposium
Tuesday May 26, 2020 - The Open House Event has been cancelled. The Research Symposium will be online this year. A revised call for proposals will be shared soon.
Celebrating our commitment to our students and communities