Dean's Message
Welcome to the 2024/2025 academic year. This new year starts with excitement at the Watson College of Education. Our enrollment numbers have gone up significantly, with increased enrollment in the credential programs, the master’s and advanced credential degree programs, and the doctoral studies program. Last year, our college saw progress and meaningful accomplishments across the programs and departments. Our doctoral program and some of our master's degree programs underwent a 5-year program review process as mandated by the CSU Chancellor’s Office, and each program emerged with strong commendations.
In April 2024, our college achieved a significant milestone as the U.S. News & World Report ranked us among the top 20% of Schools of Education in the United States in preparing education doctorates. This recognition marks the first time this college has been considered for ranking. We were ranked among the top 100 colleges in the nation for education doctorate and recognized as second best among the 23 campuses of the CSU system. This comes on the heels of our university's recognition a couple of years ago as a Research 2 (R2) national university.
In addition to our doctoral studies program’s achievements, we continue to serve as the leading producer of teachers, counselors, school psychologists, and school site administrators for the Inland Empire through our initial and advanced credential programs.
At the end of the 2023/2024 academic year, the college recommended 709 candidates for California credentials in various educational fields: Administrative Services Credentials, Education Specialist, Teaching Credentials, Designated Subjects (Career Technical Education) Credentials, School Counseling PPS Credentials, School Psychology PPS Credentials, Single Subject Teaching Credentials, and Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials. We awarded 270 master’s and advanced degrees in Education, STEM Education, Educational Administration, Special Education, Rehabilitation Counseling, School Psychology, and Counseling. We awarded 11 Doctor of Education degrees.
Project Impact (minority male teacher pipeline program) is in its fourth year. It is recognized throughout California as a leading initiative that significantly increases teacher diversity because it intends to intentionally recruit African American and Hispanic males into the teaching profession. At the end of the academic year, Project Impact graduated 32 African American and Hispanic men who have earned their teaching credentials and are entering the classrooms of the Inland Empire public schools, eager to make a difference. This is a remarkable accomplishment for this program as we continue this excellent work of preparing and placing more African American and Hispanic men in K-12 classrooms across the region. To date, Project Impact has recruited and enrolled 162 men, graduated 58, and currently has an enrollment number of 128, a number that’s expected to increase by the spring semester of 2025.
Our college continues to be in charge of developing more dual immersion teachers for the Inland Empire. Our goal of building a state-of-the-art STEM Exploration Center as a laboratory for teaching and hands-on engagement for the educational communities of the Inland Empire remains on track.
We are excited about the new year's prospects, and we remain grateful to all our K-12 partners, community partners, collaborators, and donors who remain committed to the excellent work we do together in this region.

Thank you!
Chinaka S. DomNwachukwu, Ph.D.