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The MIND Lab

The MIND Lab (Measuring INdividual Differences in Cognition Lab)


The MIND lab led by Dr. Kevin Rosales is a research laboratory that explores basic and applied questions about children and adults' cognitive development. The research performed in this lab focuses on numerous cognitive processes like working memory, executive functions, and attention, among others. One of the research goals is to understand the nature of these cognitive abilities and effective ways of measuring them. Additionally, this lab tests interventions that can enhance cognitive abilities and academic performance in child and adult populations. To effectively carry out its research goals, the lab implements a myriad of advanced statistical techniques in innovative ways. 

Students that are interested in forming part of The MIND lab research team should expect to gain numerous research and scholarly skills that include but are not limited to: data collection procedures, computer programming, designing of lab-based cognitive tasks, gain deeper scholarly insight of the field of cognitive development and psychometrics, and increased proficiency with utilizing statistical analysis software for data curation and analysis. In addition, students will have valuable opportunities to form part of academic conference presentations and be involved in manuscript writing and publication. 

No prior research experience is required to join the research lab team.

How to Participate:

If interested, please contact Dr. Kevin Rosales ( 

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