Welcome to the Department of Child Development!
The Department of Child Development at CSUSB houses two undergraduate programs (Early Childhood Development and Child and Adolescent Development) and one graduate program. Roughly 800 students are served by 10 full-time and 12 part-time faculty. Our faculty are well renowned and have won awards such as the CSUSB Outstanding Professor Award and the CSUSB Golden Apple Award.
Each of our programs offers first-rate, state-of-the-art classroom instruction, as well as opportunities to apprentice with faculty mentors in a wide variety of research areas and community-based professional activities. Our faculty and students are currently conducting research in key areas such as attachment in children and adults; best practices in early childhood education; youth civic engagement; and cognitive training to increase school success. The Department of Child Development faculty are also involved in numerous campus and community initiatives housed under the Institute for Child Development and Family Relations including the Parenting Intervention Project, Building Executive Functions for Academic Success Training, Quality Start San Bernardino, and the Infant-Toddler Lab School. The rich experiences our programs provide enable students to gain access to high-quality graduate programs and rewarding professional careers.
Our website is designed to help you locate information regarding our undergraduate and graduate programs, and to acquaint you with faculty teaching interests and ongoing research. If you would like additional information after you have had a chance to page through, please send us your questions. Email us!
Amanda Wilcox-Herzog
Professor and Chair