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FEEL Tech Lab

FEEL Tech Lab (Fostering Equitable Early Learning through Technology)


Dr. Kang leads the FEEL Tech Lab, which is dedicated to advancing research on creating equitable early learning environments by integrating technology with play. The current project focuses on understanding how play-integrated digital tools (e.g., ScrcatchJr) can be leveraged to support young children’s social-emotional development, particularly those aged 4 to 6 from immigrant backgrounds. 

Students involved in the FEEL Tech Lab will gain hands-on experience in various research activities, including data collection, analysis, and academic writing. The lab welcomes both undergraduate and graduate students passionate about equity in early childhood education and the role of technology in supporting social-emotional development. Prior research experience is not required, but a commitment to the lab’s mission and a collaborative spirit are essential.

How to Join:

If you are interested in FEEL Tech Lab, please contact Dr. Kang (