National Student Exchange (NSE) offers study opportunities at over 200 diverse university settings across the US, Puerto Rico, Canada, Guam and the US Virgin Islands and provides access to a wide array of courses and programs. NSE offers options for students who may not yet be ready for an international program, but are seeking new academic, cultural and personal experiences to enhance their undergraduate education. NSE options include exchange among university honors and residential life programs, as well as access to internships, research options, and service learning opportunities of member campuses. NSE features a tuition reciprocity system that allows students to attend their host institution by paying either the in-state tuition/fees of their host institution or the normal tuition/fees here at Cal State San Bernardino. NSE students can exchange for a single term or a full academic year. Course work completed while on exchange at the host campus is brought back to the home institution and credited to the student's degree program .
Why Choose Exchange?
- Explore new areas of study
- Break out of your comfort zone
- Investigate graduate schools
- Expand academic, cultural, and personal experiences
- Experience life from a different point of view
- Live in a different area
- Become more independent
Start Exploring Your Exchange!

Application Process:
Apply for exchange through the CSUSB OSLE office. The process includes a non-refutable application fee and current transcript.
In addition to the eligibility criteria, other factors which may be considered in the application process include your flexibility, the ability to adapt to short-term relocation, clear academic and personal goals, support of your academic department, and willingness to be a positive representative of CSUSB at your exchange institution.
For more information about NSE, please contact the NSE Coordinator, Marissa Zuniga, via email at

Program Cost:
NSE features a tuition reciprocity system that allows students to attend their host institution by paying either the in-state tuition/fees of their host institution or the normal tuition/fees here at Cal State San Bernardino.
-Under Plan A, you pay the resident (in-state or in-province) tuition/ fees to your host campus.
-Under Plan B, you pay your normal tuition/fees to CSUSB
Rooms and meals are always paid to your host campus. You are responsible for transportation and personal expenses while on exchange.
Financial Aid- With some exceptions, financial aid for eligible students is applied for, awarded by, and disbursed from the campus at which tuition/fees are paid.
Courses and Grade:
CSUSB determines the manner in which your host campus courses are distributed and grades are recorded. Consult with your academic advisor regarding course selection prior to going on exchange and preferably during the time you are exploring possible host campuses. During the application process, you will need to meet with a transcript evaluator to ensure the classes you are taking on exchange will transfer back to CSUSB.