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Required Training

Required Training for Staff, Faculty, and Student Employees

CSU employees (staff, faculty, and student assistants) are required to complete certain courseware to comply with state and university requirements. These assignments come from a variety of authorities including CSUSB campus requirements, CSU Systemwide requirements, and various federal/state laws and mandates. For more information regarding systemwide training requirements, visit CSYou Compliance Training for CSU Employees

There are also a handful of trainings required by Cal/OSHA Regulations, and some of these are dependent upon specific jobs/roles. You can find more information about these requirements on the Environmental Health & Safety Employee Safety Training webpage.

Below, you will find detailed compliance/required training information for all employees. Majority of these courses will be assigned through CSULearn. 

Download the Compliance Training Matrix

CSUSB Compliance Training Matrix
Title Assignment Method Intended Audience Deadline & Frequency Responsible Area(s)
Avoiding Conflicts of Interest **Auto-assignment Principal Investigators, Procurement Card Holders, and Employees in a designated position 90 days from the effective date, then every two years after that Staff Development & Enrichment
Cash Handling Assigned manually Position-specific based on role and responsibility involving the handling of currency Before handling cash and annually after that Student Financial Services
CSA Clery Training


Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) 30 days from the effective date, then annually after that Risk Management

Data Security & FERPA (Family Education Rights & Privacy Act)

Modules 1-5

**Auto-assignment Faculty, Administrators, Staff, Student Workers, Volunteers, and select Persons Of Interest with access to protected data and student records 30 days from the effective date, then annually after that Information Security & Compliance
Defensive Driver Program Assigned after completing the Defensive Driving Training Request Form Employees who operate state-owned, rental, and personal vehicles for University business Before operating vehicle(s) for University business and every four years after that Parking & Transportation Services
Discrimination, Harassment Prevention Program for Supervisors **Auto-assignment to MPPs (Management Personnel Plan) as coded in PeopleSoft employee record MPPs (auto-assigned); Deans, Assistant/Associate Deans, and Department Chairs (manual if not coded in PeopleSoft as an MPP) Six months from the effective date, then every two years after that Staff Development & Enrichment
Discrimination, Harassment Prevention Program for Non-Supervisors **Auto-assignment to staff (excluding MPPs) as coded in PeopleSoft State-side employees with an active CSU Learn account who are serving as an MPP, Dean, Assistant Dean, Associate Dean, or Department Chair Six months from the effective date, then every two years, after that Staff Development & Enrichment
Emergency & Disaster Preparedness **Auto-assignment Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Student Employees, Volunteers, and select Persons Of Interest 30 days from effective date Risk Management
Fire Safety & Prevention **Auto-assignment Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Student Employees, Volunteers, and select Persons Of Interest 30 days from effective date Risk Management
Gender Equity & Title IX **Auto-assignment Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Student Employees, Volunteers, and select Persons Of Interest Six months from the effective date, then annually after that Staff Development & Enrichment
Hazard Communication: An Employee's Right to Understand **Auto-assignment Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Student Employees, Volunteers, and select Persons Of Interest 45 days from effective date Risk Management
HIPAA: Protecting Patient Privacy (HIPAA=Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) **Auto-assignment Administrators, Faculty, Staff, Student Employees, Volunteers in Athletics, Children's Center, CEGE (Intl Student Services), Counseling & Psychological Services, Environmental Health & Safety, HR, ITS Information Security, Nursing, Risk Management, Services to Students with Disabilities (SSD), Social Work, Special Education / Rehab Counseling, Student Conduct & Ethical Development, Student Health Center (SHC), UEC Cal State Re-Entry Initiative (CRSRI), University Center for Developmental Disabilities (UCDD), Workability IV, and ITC who work in the Technology Support Center supporting the Student Health Center Before accessing health records and annually after that Information Security & Compliance
Injury and Illness Prevention (IIPP) **Auto-assignment Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Student Employees, Volunteers, and select Persons of Interest 45 days from effective date, then every three years after that Risk Management
Mandated Reporters of Child Abuse **Auto-assignment Faculty (limited and general reporter), Academic Student Employees, Administrators, Staff, and Volunteers 30 days from effective date A collaboration with Risk Management and Staff Development & Enrichment
CSU-NVRA-35 Coordinator Training **Auto-assignment Staff, Administrators, Faculty, Student Employees, and Volunteers in Services to Students with Disabilities 30 days from effective date, then annually after that Services to Students with Disabilities
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) **Auto-assignment Employees with access to more than one credit card number at a time Before card issuance and annually after that Information Security & Compliance
Red Flags: Preventing Identity Theft **Auto-assignment Employees with access to a "covered account" defined by the Financial Affairs Collaboration Team in Student Financial Services (Accounting); CEGE (Dean, IEP, International Education, PACE, Student Services); COE (Student Services, Graduate Studies); Academic Success and Undergraduate Advising); Human Resources; Technology Support Center; Enrollment Management (Admissions), Financial Aid Office; Student Affairs (CAPS, Orientation and First Year Experience., Registrar's Office; Housing & Residential Life; SSD; Student Conduct & Ethical Development, EOP, SAIL, and Veteran's Success Center) 30 days from effective date, then annually after that Information Security & Compliance
Searches and Recruitment in the CSU HR Talent Acquisition can have the training assigned, or the employee can complete the training by accessing CSU Learn and searching by course title Employees serving as a Hiring Manager and on a search committee (in either a Search Committee Chair or Search Committee Member capacity) Before serving on a search committee Employment Services
Workplace Violence Prevention Plan **Auto-assignment Faculty, Staff, Administrators, Student Employees, Volunteers, and select Persons of Interest 30 days from effective date, then annually after that Environmental Health & Safety

**Auto-assignments are activated with access to CSULearn approximately 3-4 days from the effective start date.

Required Training for Administrators

In addition to training required for all CSU employees (above), Administrators/MPPs are required to attend the Instructor-Led workshop 'Administrator/Management Academy' facilitated by Human Resources.

Registration Information:

  • Email the Staff Development & Enrichment at or call (909) 537-3125 to register for the next offering. 
  • More information about this training and others offered by Human Resources can be found on the Curriculum page.

CSULearn: Professional Development & Compliance LMS

The California State University (CSU) utilizes a systemwide learning management system (LMS), CSULearn, in an effort to streamline compliance training requirements. CSULearn allows our campus to assign and leverage content including professional development and compliance courses.

For more information about the LMS, please visit the CSULearn webpage or contact our team via phone or email.


Questions & Assistance

All inquires regarding training and/or CSULearn can be directed to the Staff Development Center by email at or or by phone at (909) 537-3125. 

I am a new employee, how do I access my required training?

Compliance training will be auto-assigned to the new employees (staff, faculty, student assistants) upon hire or as needed via CSULearn. Employee will receive automated notices from for each module assigned and will contain a direct link to the training. Employees may also review pending assignments by navigating through myCoyote > 'My Employment' tile > CSULearn > 'Assigned Learning' widget (bottom-left).

I previously completed training. Why am I receiving notices to take it again?

Scheduled Renewals (i.e., "expired" training):

In an effort to closer align our campus with federal laws, state laws, and CSU policies, CSU San Bernardino has implemented a number of scheduled renewals for courses. When you launch the course, the page says ‘Attended’ because the system recognizes that you previously completed this content. In order to renew your certification, you must ‘Register Again’ and complete the course at your earliest convenience. If you believe you have completed the training within the required timeframe, please verify the last completed date in your CSULearn ‘Transcript’. For a full list of the San Bernardino specific course assignments, you can view our master compliance matrix (above).

Content Enhancements

Occasionally, Systemwide Learning & Development (Chancellor's Office, Compliance Training Authority) and/or the content provider needs to make necessary updates to the training content and/or structure. Our team will notify those impacted by these updates containing information about renewals.