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Staying Fit Personal Challenge

Staying Fit Personal Challenge

Find ways to enhance your overall well-being and participate in the Staying Fit Personal Challenge.

Learn More About the Challenge

12 Days of Learning

12 Days of Learning

Set aside time to participate in this specially curated professional & personal development campaign, hosted each year during the Winter term. Each day in December presents you with a new focus of learning. You can either complete our recommended learning options or other learning opportunities that fit the day's theme. 

Learn More About 12 Days of Learning

Coyote Learning Circle

Coyote Learning Circle

The Coyote Learning Circle is intended to promote your professional and personal development at CSUSB through community learning and discussion that is relevant to areas of growth. You will be exposed to a variety of resources that emphasize opportunities for growth like communication, interpersonal relationships, diversity & inclusion, and leadership development.

Learn About Coyote Learning Circle