Psychology is one of the largest departments at CSUSB, with 26 full-time and 26 part-time faculty, approximately 100 graduate students, and 1500 undergraduate students. The department offers one undergraduate major in Psychology with three formal concentrations – General Psychology, Biological Psychology and Industrial-Organizational Psychology. In addition, the department houses three master's programs: Clinical/Counseling Psychology, Psychological Science, and Industrial-Organizational Psychology. We offer the entire major at both the San Bernardino and Palm Desert campuses. In its annual list of America's Best Colleges, USNEWS and World Report recognizes psychology as one of CSUSB's highly respected academic departments.
Psychology faculty have won the coveted Outstanding Professor Award on numerous occasions. Four of our current faculty members are recipients. The Department also features three recipients of the Golden Apple Teaching Award. Each of our programs offers first-rate, state-of-the-art classroom instruction, as well as opportunities to apprentice with faculty mentors in a wide variety of research areas and community-based professional activities. Our faculty and students are currently conducting research in such key areas as the impact of inequality on psychological and social processes; the neurobiology of psychiatric disorders, drug addiction, motor movement, adaptive learning, and behavioral sensitization; the cognitive neuroscience of memory; plasticity in cognitive control and working memory; mindfulness; human sexuality; language acquisition and development; post-traumatic stress disorder; organizational leadership; program evaluation; chemistry in romantic relationships and close friendships; community-based participatory inquiry; integrating work and family; cognitive behavioral therapy; health disparities in minority populations; parent education; bridge employment and retirement; and the psychology of marginalized individuals and groups. The Psychology Department contributes to a number of vital institutes and initiatives on campus including the Institute for Child Development and Family Relations, the Learning Research Institute, and the Community Counseling Center. The rich experiences our programs make possible for students enable them to gain access to high-quality graduate programs and rewarding professional careers.
Our website is designed to help you locate information regarding our undergraduate and graduate programs, and to acquaint you with faculty teaching interests and ongoing research. If you would like additional information after you have had a chance to page through, please send us your questions.
Welcome to Psychology!
With warm regards,
Kenneth S. Shultz, PhD
Department Chair