Dionisio Amodeo, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Research interests:
- Animal models of psychiatric disorders
- Neurobiology of cognition
- Understanding how alterations in the serotonin systemic may lead to psychiatric disorders
- Cortico-striatal circuitry
Brittany Bloodhart, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Dr. Brittany Bloodhart
Research interests:
- Environmental and Gender issues in Social Psychology
- Perceptions of and belief in climate change
- Prejudice and discrimination / intervention programs aimed at decreasing barriers to equality
- The effect of moral emotions (e.g., guilt, empathy) on pro-social behavior
- The relationship between moral values (self-focused vs. other-focused), social identity, and pro-social attitudes
- Experiences that make some people more likely to endorse system-justifying ideologies
Kelly Campbell, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Research interests:
- Interpersonal chemistry in friendships and romantic relationships
- Impact of being ‘in love’ on performance across domains (e.g., academics, athletics, creativity)
- Couple rituals, infidelity, and the meaning of marriage
- Health disparities related to race, income, and sexual orientation
John Clapper, Ph.D., Professor

Research interests:
- Cognitive psychology
- Categories and concepts
- Unsupervised learning
- Attention and memory organization
- Computational models of human learning
Cynthia Crawford, Ph.D., Professor

Research interests:
- Animal and human models of drug addiction
- Second messenger system pharmacology
- Developmental neuropsychopharmacology
Cari Goetz, Ph.D., Assistant Professor

Research interests:
- Evolutionary psychology
- Human mating strategies
- Sexual victimization
Donna Garcia, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Research interests:
- Impact of social inequality on psycho-social functioning
- Social pressures that discourage people from challenging discrimination
- Self-fulfilling role that awareness of their “social value” plays in people’s outcomes.
Hideya Koshino, Ph.D., Professor

Research interests:
- Cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience approaches to the study of working memory
- Relations between working memory and attention
- Use of imaging technology (e.g., fMRI) in studying brain functioning
- The Default Mode Network and Working Memory Network
Michael Lewin, Ph.D., Professor

Research interests:
- Early Maladaptive Schemas and Cognitive Vulnerability
- Schema Therapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Anxiety
Jason Reimer, Ph.D., Professor

Research interests:
- Language and memory development
- Visual word recognition in children and adults
- Reading acquisition
- Development of cognitive inhibition