Community Counseling Center
The Community Counseling Center was established in 1973 and is a training facility for the Department of Psychology's Masters in Clinical/Counseling Psychology Program. We offer a variety of high-quality, low-cost counseling and psychological services to residents of San Bernardino and surrounding communities, as well as CSUSB students, alumni, staff, and faculty. Counseling and psychological services are provided by graduate students who are supervised by licensed psychologists from the Department of Psychology. The Center also supports the research of that program’s faculty and students, seeking to advance understanding of psychological conditions and services.
Website: | Email: | Phone Number: (909) 537-5569
Institute for Child Development and Family Relations

The Institute for Child Development and Family Relations (ICDFR) is an umbrella organization which covers many child and family related sub-projects established through partnerships between CSUSB and the surrounding community. These include Project CUIDAR (Community University Initiative for the Development of Attention and Readiness), the Parental Intervention Project, the University Center for Developmental Disabilities (UCDD), Work-Family-Life, and the Infant Toddler Lab School. These and other projects are spearheaded by faculty from across the University, including numerous Psychology and Human Development faculty. Each of the projects housed within the ICDFR provides opportunities for students to become involved in research and community service.
Learning Research Institute

The CSUSB Learning Research Institute (LRI) promotes an interdisciplinary scholarly focus on the student learning experience and how it may be improved. The Institute supports this focus by sponsoring and conducting research activities that examine the cognitive, neurobiological, and environmental variables that contribute to the academic success of our diverse student body.