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Graduate Teaching Opportunities for the Academic Year

Each year the Psychology Department recruits graduate students, titled Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAs) to teach certain courses. Current department graduate students will receive an email via the graduate student listserv each spring about the application process for the upcoming academic year.

AY 2025-2026 Application Timeline

AY 2025-2026 Application Timeline

April 2025

Current graduate students notified of teaching opportunities and application process via email 
Friday, May 9 Applications due
Mid-June  GTAs informed of hiring decisions and course assignments
Week of August 18-22 Mandatory GTA orientation session  (specific date pending)
Monday, August 25 First day of Fall classes



1. Who is eligible to work as a GTA?

To be eligible to work as a GTA, you need to enroll in at least one course during the semester you are teaching.

If you are not enrolled in any graduate courses but still completing other degree requirements (e.g., thesis or comprehensive exam) you may enroll in PSYC 6990: Continuous Enrollment for Graduate Candidacy Standing to be eligible for employment as a Teaching Associate.

2. How do I apply?

The application package includes a Curriculum Vita (CV), a Statement of Teaching Experience and Interests, a copy of your current transcript (unofficial), and an online application form. Details about the application process will be sent via email each spring to current graduate students.

3. Do I need to complete the application again if I am currently a GTA?

Yes. The online application form you will be asked to indicate if you are a current GTA, but you will be expected to submit the documents and the application form each year.

4. Can I be considered for teaching more than one course?

Yes. In the online application you may indicate all courses that you feel qualified to teach. In your Statement of Teaching Experience and Interests you should address your qualifications for teaching each course for which you would like to be considered.

5. What time are courses taught by GTAs scheduled?

Courses taught by GTAs are scheduled at a range of times, Monday through Friday from 8:00am-6:45pm. You will not be scheduled to teach at a time that overlaps with any of the courses in which you are enrolled. Having greater flexibility in your schedule increases your opportunities for teaching.

6. What is the pay-rate?

GTA pay is based on the number of Weighted Teaching Units (WTUs) assigned to the class they are teaching.

Most GTA courses are 2-WTU courses. The current rate is $2,596 per semester for each 2-WTU section. Typically, new GTAs are assigned one section and returning GTAs may be offered more than one.

7. Am I allowed to work as a GTA if I have another on-campus job?

In general, a student is allowed to work up to 20-hrs/week on campus (combining State-supported and UEC-supported positions).

A typical 2-WTU GTA appointment equates to roughly 6-hr/week. A student with this GTA appointment can work an additional 14-hr/week at a different campus position (ISA, GA, SA, RA, or other campus job).

There are different positions a student can work on campus: Graduate or Undergraduate Assistant (GA or SA). GAs and SAs are non-teaching positions, Research Assistant (RA is also a non-teaching position), Teaching Associate (TA), and/or Instructional Student Assistant (ISA).

TA: A TA is allowed to work up to 40-hrs/week, if TA is the only title you hold on campus. This is the one exception to the typical 20-hr/week limit.

ISA: An SI Leader (supported by UGS and/or U-RISE) is equivalent to an ISA. An ISA is allowed to work up to 20-hrs/week on campus.

TA+ISA: If you are working as a TA and at the same time as an ISA, then you can only work up to 20-hrs/week for both positions. The TA position is the primary position, and the ISA job is the secondary position.

TA+GA/SA (or RA): If you are working as a TA and, at the same time, as a GA/SA or an RA, then you can only work up to 20-hrs/week.

ISA+GA/SA (or RA): If you are working as an ISA and, at the same time, as a GA/SA or an RA, then you can only work up to 20-hrs/week.