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Psychology Department Information

On this page you will find a variety of information pertinent to students who are majoring in our undergraduate and graduate psychology programs. To help you meet your educational and career goals, we provide multiple advising services described on this page. We encourage you to come in for advising because we have found that doing so helps students to complete their degree successfully and in a timely manner while also introducing them to opportunities that can enrich their educational experience and prepare them for graduate school or professional careers. This page has links to various roadmaps and course plans that can help you plan your path toward a B.A. You will also find information about internship opportunities and about careers in psychology.

The Psychology Department and the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences offer several scholarship opportunities and awards, each of which is described here. Our students have won numerous awards over the years and we invite you to check out the recent history of our students’ accomplishments. You will also find examples of student research as well as photos from recent student presentations at professional conferences. We encourage you to consider becoming a member of our student clubs and to look into our honors program which has been highly successful in supporting our students’ efforts to continue their education in graduate programs.


Tentative Two Year Psychology Course Plan (Fall 2024 to Spring 2026)