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Single Subject Credential: Physical Education

General information on California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, please visit at 

Credential program at California State University San Bernardino (CSUSB), please visit at

Information and Forms
Revised Single Subject Credential Program Handbook
California Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Application for Credential Recommendation
CSET Waiver Request Form
Change of Program Application for APE Credential
Adapted Physical Education Added Authorization

The Single Subject Credential Program at CSUSB is a State-approved and NCATE accredited program. The program currently offers subject matter preparation in the following disciplines:

  • ART
  • FOREIGN LANGUAGES (French, Spanish)
  • PHYSICAL EDUCATION (Regular/Adapted Physical Education)
  • SCIENCE (Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences or Physics)

The Single Subject Program at CSUSB offers a traditional student teaching option in either a two-semester, full-time program (TRACK A) or three-semester part-time program (TRACK B). In addition, the program offers an internship program option over a three-semester period (TRACK C). Track A is designed for full-time students not employed during the completion of the program. With the exception of the supervised field experience, which is unique to each track, the three programs are identical in the coursework and performance expectations. Preparing to teach in multicultural settings with English Learners and students with special needs is a strong emphasis on all options. As such, the Program provides candidates with the skills and expertise to provide academic instruction for English Learners and students with special needs in secondary schools.

Admission to the Program and Student Teaching: In addition to the general requirements for the university, students must meet specific requirements for admission to the student teaching track prior to enrolling in the program:

1. Successfully complete the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST)

Demonstrate Subject Matter Competency (SMC) in the content area they plan to teach. Subject Matter Competency can be demonstrated by having a degree from a California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) waiver program or passing (if necessary) the appropriate CSET and/or Single Subject Assessment for Teaching (SSAT) examination as early as possible in order to be able to provide verification of passing scores with their application for admission to the program.

If you complete our Pedagogy program (PEAPE Program in Semester) and get your degree, you do not have to take the CSET, it is waived. The waiver form is available through the College of Education Student Services office and they can be reached at 909- 537-5609. The submission of the Request for Approved Subject Matter Competency Evaluation initiates an evaluation by a department Authorized Evaluator (Art, English, Kinesiology and Mathematics only) of accredited college/university transcripts in order to determine the equivalency of a C.T.C. approved subject matter competency program in lieu of passage of the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET). The CSUSB non-refundable processing fee is seventy-five dollars ($75). NOTE: Effective May 3, 2012, this evaluation is available only to bachelor’s degree graduates of the California State University system. 

2. Complete the Program Application File (PAF) and submit to the C.A.S.E. Office.

3. Two written recommendations, at least two from faculty members in the student's major department.

4. Meet with and obtain signature of a Secondary Education faculty member on an advising form or attend a program advisory meeting to determine requirements of the program.

5. Verification of a negative tuberculin (TB) examination within the last 24 months.

6. Academic Achievement 

Applicants must possess the following minimum grade point averages:

  • A grade point average of 2.67 in all baccalaureate and postbaccalaureate course work or at least 2.75 in the last 90 quarter units attempted.
  • A grade point average of 3.0 ("B") in professional education course work with no course grade in this area lower than "B-." Students can only discount one grade in the program courses. They can only repeat a total of two courses in the program.

If necessary, written verification of registration for or passage of subject matter competence in the appropriate single subject credential area. No candidate may be recommended for the credential who has received a grade less than "C" (2.0) in any other course required for the credential, such as health science courses.

7. Complete A or B below:

A. Completion of one of the following approved subject matter preparation programs or these majors at this university:

    1. Approved subject matter programs
      Single Subject Credential  Degree Major
      Art B.A. Art (Plan I)
      English B.A. English
      Foreign Language B.A. Spanish or B.A. French
      Health Science  B.S. Health Sciences
      Foundational Mathematics/ Mathematics B.A. Mathematics B.S. Mathematics
      Music B.A. Music (Music Education)
      Physical Education B.S. Kinesiology
      Sciences B.A. in the Sciences B.S. in the Sciences
      Social Science B.A. Social Sciences

      For further information on other majors, supplementary authorizations, examinations and waivers, students should contact the Teacher Education Office and/or the appropriate major department.

B. Completion of the CSET (California Subject Examination for Teachers) and/or the Single Subject Assessment for Teaching (SSAT) in the specialty teaching area the student is planning to teach

8. Submission of an application for a certificate of clearance or evidence of a credential or permit authorizing public school teaching in California

9. Completion of or concurrent enrollment in the upper-division writing requirement at the university or the equivalent graduation requirement at another accredited institution, or a score of 39 or better on the written portion of the CBEST; (CBEST exam does not meet the graduate entrance writing requirement for the Master of Arts degree.)

10. Written verification a passing score on the CBEST;

11. In addition, the following criteria are used: professional aptitude, personality and character, oral and written language usage, and interest in multicultural education;

12. All course work taken at another institution, or more than seven years ago, is subject to approval by the director of the Single Subject Program. No more than 14 quarter units of the credential program may be transferred. Student teaching is never transferable. Students transferring units from another institution may be required to take HSCI 100 and ESPE 350. Each applicant must complete SMC and have a B.A. degree in the content area they are planning to teach before student teaching and internship teaching and associated courses. Student teaching for the preliminary credential is a full-time assignment for three quarters (ESEC 550A, 550B and 550C) that only begins in the fall or winter quarters. No concurrent course work should be taken beyond the required for that quarter without permission from the director of the Single Subject Program. Students who fail to successfully complete any program courses will be denied continuation in the program. An appeals process is available. Consult the Teacher Education Office for details.

Credential Requirements for Student Teaching One Year Program Once admission to the program has been granted and program requirements have been successfully completed, students may enroll in the following courses. Students must successfully complete all the courses in each quarter before enrolling in subsequent quarters. 


Adapted Physical Education (APE) Credential

If you plan to pursue both Single Subject Physical Education (PE) and Adapted Physical Education (APE) credential, take as many APE courses as you can while you are enrolled in undergraduate program. You can also take APE course work when you apply both SSPE and APE credential and accepted to both credential programs here at CSUSB. APE credential is a secondary credential, which requires preliminary credential (Single Subject PE credential). 

After completion of all course works (PE and APE), you need to complete a student teaching in APE (when you are in our SSPE credential, you will complete both PE and APE student teachings), then need to take the APE exit exam and interview. See APE handbook:


When you apply for the single subject PE credential, please take the following steps:

1. Fill out attached APE Program Admission File and submit it to College of Education

2. Once you are admitted to the SSPE program, you need to contact graduate studies to complete “Change of Program Application (COPA)” form to add APE credential to SSPE.

Please also visit at


APE Student Teaching Documents

For Student-Teacher:

Behavioral Modification Data Sheet

APE Teacher Candidate Self Evaluation

For APE Master Teacher:

APE Teacher Candidate Teaching Effectiveness

Observation of Scientific Principles of Motor Behavior
