Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUS)
Geometry & Knot Theory
Since the summer of 2009, students have worked on topics from geometry and knot theory, although our program has been running since 2001 (when it also included projects in combinatorics). For a detailed description of this Summer's program, complete with information about stipends and dates, please see the REU homepage. For more information click on the above links or contact one of our directors: Dr. Dunn or Dr. Trapp.
The REU Program at CSUSB has been made possible by NSF-REU grants DMS-0453605, 0139426, 9987955, 0850959, 1156608, 1461286, and 1758020, as well as the generous support of California State University San Bernardino.

Summer 2020 REU Group Photo - Remotely Via Zoom
Undergraduate Independent Studies
Math 5951/5952/5953
These are 1, 2, and 3 unit courses respectively in which junior and senior mathematics majors can participate in independent studies with faculty. Consent of instructor required and departmental approval of a written project proposal submitted in advance of the semester in which the course is to be taken.
See our Student Talks Page for examples of some of the research projects students have undertaken in previous terms.