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Math Gym (Tutoring)

Math gym tutoring

The Math Gym is going in-person

Tutoring for math majors by peers is available each semester. This starts about the third week of each semester and is funded by a grant for prospective secondary level mathematics teachers. Check the link below to access the Math Gym Schedule. Tutoring is available at all class levels. For more information on the peer tutoring or if you are interested in becoming a tutor, please contact Professor Min-Lin Lo.  

Let us know what you think about our personal trainers/tutors by filling out a survey. Thank you for helping us making the Math Gym serving you better by providing your feedback? 

Interested in Becoming a Trainer?

Spring 2025 Applications are now CLOSED.

Interested in working as a personal trainer/tutor in the Math Gym?

To apply for a personal trainer/tutor position with the Math Gym, ALL of the following criteria MUST be met: 

  1. Have a "B" or better in at least two upper division math courses (3000-level or above) and every math course you are interested in tutoring.
  2. Have a min. 3.0 overall GPA and 3.0 GPA in major. 
  3. Have the tools (including internet access) needed to do Zoom tutoring sessions, if needed

Submit this application to Dr. Min-Lin Lo (via e-mail by 3pm, Tuesday, January 28, 2025 (the sooner the better). You are expected to start tutoring at JB-391 in the week of 2/3/25.

Tutor Application Form