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Teaching Associate

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What is a Graduate Teaching Associate?

The Department of Mathematics offers paid Teaching Associate (TA) positions to qualified graduate students in our M.A. program.   A TA is typically given the opportunity to teach introductory level mathematics courses, such as our precalculus courses (Math 1400s).   TA's may be given one or two courses per term depending upon need, budget and availability as well as the continued recommendations of the Graduate Coordinator.  TAs are paid as university employees (as opposed to being given tuition remission). 

Application Process

Apply Here

Each spring semester, a notice is sent out and interviews are then held for positions to begin the following fall.

A call for applications will be posted at the beginning of each Spring term.  This notice shall provide instructions for you as you prepare your application. The application usually consists of a resume ́and/or CV, and a letter stating your interest in the TA position; this letter will contain a list of references and any special considerations. Generally, the application period lasts for 2 weeks.

At the end of the application period, the applications are considered and eligible applicants will be contacted to schedule a 20 minute interview. This interview will have the applicant prepare a small amount of mathematics to present to give the hiring committee a sense of how you teach. Each applicant will also be asked a number of questions about their teaching ideas.

After all interviews are completed,  the Department Chair will make appointments based on the needs of the department and on the recommendations of the Graduate Coordinator.

On occasion, interviews might be held in the fall based on need and budget.  


Only fully classified graduate students are eligible to apply.  Students must be in good academic standing to be considered.

Expectations Upon Becoming a TA

A TA is expected to meet all regular teaching duties such as meeting classes on time, providing appropriate evaluation of student work, hold appropriate Office Hours and conduct themselves in a professional manner. We strongly recommend TAs enroll in our teaching practicum course, Math 6178.  In addition, TA's are required to attend weekly TA meetings with other TA's and the Graduate Coordinator and potentially attend other meetings or functions.


If you have any questions or concerns not addressed on one of our graduate student pages, please email our Graduate Chair, Dr. Dunn.