About Us
The Math Club is a registered club with the Associated Students Incorporated (ASI). The club meets regularly and is very active. The faculty advisors to the Math Club are Dr. Lo and Dr. Dunn.
Members find the Math Club beneficial because it gives you the opportunity to meet other math majors and allows you to network with others. The Math Club while supported by the Department of Mathematics is completely independent of the Department and is entirely student run. More information on the Math Club can be obtained by emailing the club at mathclubatcsusb@gmail.com.
To become a member, fill out the online membership form here.
In non-pandemic times, the Math Club runs a Study Marathon on the Saturday prior to final exams. Tutors are available to help with any math course and you don't need to be a member of the Club to obtain help. The cost is very reasonable and food and snacks are provided. In addition, the Math Club organizes social field trips as well as trips to local conferences.