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Comprehensive Exam

Comprehensive Exam Schedule for 2024 - 2025 Academic Year

Comprehensive Exam Schedule 2024-2025
Semester Date Location
Fall 2024 November 16, 2024 Online through ProctorU & Canvas
Spring 2025 April 12, 2025 Online through ProctorU & Canvas
Summer (10 week) Session 2025 July 10, 2025 Online through ProctorU & Canvas

The Comprehensive Examination is administered online. Time: Approximately 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Pacific, test taker choice of start time). Please register early to ensure you will be allowed to take the exam. To register, contact your program department office. 

Only eligible students will be permitted to take the exam. Eligibility includes: advancement to candidacy, completion of all program coursework or registration in final semester of coursework, no expired courses (older than 7 years) without a waiver, and a graduation requirement check on file with the Records Registration & Evaluations Office.

Continuous Enrollment and Comprehensive Exam - New Procedures

The Graduate Counsel and the Faculty Senate have approved a new policy to allow graduate students to register for either 6990 Continuous Enrollment (0-units) or 6980 Comprehensive Exam (0-units) courses through the College of Extended and Global Education Special Sessions. While students may continue to register for these courses through regular state-side enrollment, if the graduate student is only taking this single course, they may enroll through CEGE for a cost of only $320. Note that although these are zero-unit courses, graduate students would normally pay the 0-6 unit fee of $2,082 for the semester. Students may obtain the information and forms needed to register from their program department offices. 

Continuous Enrollment Students

Who May Enroll
Graduate students are required to maintain continuous enrollment from the time of first enrollment in a graduate program until they receive their degree. However, graduate students are not required to be enrolled in the summer. The College of Extended and Global Education (CEGE), in partnership with the Office of Graduate Studies, offers continuous enrollment courses whereby students that have completed all coursework and are preparing for their comprehensive exam, thesis, project or dissertation can enroll and maintain good standing with the university. These courses are offered at a reduced rate and utilize active faculty for oversight.

Project Students
Students who have enrolled in the required number of project units but have not completed their project must maintain continuous enrollment by enrolling in 6990 (zero units).

Thesis Students
Students who have enrolled in the required number of thesis units, but have not completed their thesis, must maintain continuous enrollment by enrolling in 6990 (zero units).

Comprehensive Exam Students

Students who have completed all coursework and are preparing for the comprehensive exam must remain in continuous enrollment by enrolling in 6990 (zero units).

$320 per semester

How To Enroll
Obtain registration form and information from your program department office. Ways to register:

  1. Payment by mail: Attach a check/money order to the registration form and make payable to CSUSB - College of Extended and Global Education. Write your CSUSB Coyote ID on your check or Money Order. Return Payment with this form to “CSUSB – College of Extended and Global Education, 5500 University Pkwy CGI-301B, San Bernardino 92407-9984.
  2. Payments made in person: Bring the signed registration form and payment to the College of Extended and Global Education, CGI 301B. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.
  3. Payments by phone: You may fax the registration form to 909-537-5907 or e-mail your registration form to Once registration has been received, you have 24 hours to call 909-537-5975 and pay course fees using a Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
  4. Pay online: using our convenient online payment system  Comprehensive Exam Online Payments 

Students will not be enrolled until payment is received.

Late Registration

If students are not enrolled by the Census date every term, they will have to complete a 'Petition to Add after Census' form per campus policy. (Students must register by the end of the third week of the term or a $25 late fee will apply.)

College of Extended Learning Contact

Sylvia Estrada  x73908

Christina Slater  x73960