You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Thesis Digitization Project Request Pfau Library is currently digitizing paper copies of CSUSB Master’s Theses/Projects and Doctoral Dissertations submitted prior to 2014, so that the scanned files may be posted in CSUSB’s ScholarWorks institutional repository and made freely available for download. This project is made possible by funding from the Vital and Expanded Technologies Initiative. Let us know how you want your thesis handled. Request Information Please choose your option: Remove my thesis full text from ScholarWorks / Do not post my thesis. (A record with basic author/title data will still exist, but no full text will be attached.) Restrict access to my thesis full text. How do you want access restricted? Limit full text access to on-campus or authenticated CSUSB users only. Make my thesis full text open access after 1 year. Make my thesis full text open access after 2 years. Make my thesis full text open access after 3 years. Your Name: If your name has changed since you submitted your thesis, please include both forms of your name Former Name: Title of your Master’s Thesis/Project or Dissertation: Year your degree was granted: Email where we can contact you to confirm: Comments or questions (optional):