Main Content Region

Accessibility/Users with Disabilities

The Pfau Library offers a variety of accommodations for people with disabilities.

Adaptive Computer Workstations

The library has several adaptive workstations, managed by the CSUSB Assistive Technology & Accessibility Center. Locations:

  • 1st floor, near the painting of Dr. Pfau
  • 2nd floor, inside PL-2005 (for in-class use only)
  • 3rd, 4th, and 5th floors, across from elevators

Adaptive technology on these workstations includes:

Screen Magnifiers:

  • ZoomText
  • ZoomText Fusion
  • Windows Magnifier

Screen Readers:

  • NVDA
  • JAWS
  • Windows Narrator

Media Conversion:

  • OpenBook
  • WYNN

Mouse and Keyboard Support:

  • SteadyMouse
  • Tobii Eye Control
  • Dragon Naturally Speaking
  • Adjustable Height Desk

Visualtek Voyager

Displays enlarged text (book, periodicals, or other documents) on a video screen. This unit is located on the second floor of the library across from the elevators.

Audio Books

The library has a small collection of audio books in a variety of formats housed behind the Library Service Desk which can be checked out for 2 weeks. These may be searched via CSUSB OneSearch. Included in this collection are recorded versions of fiction and nonfiction titles, as well as recordings of plays, theatrical performances, poetry, and old radio programs.


John M. Pfau Library Web Site

ADA compliant and accessible from off-campus on a 24/7 basis. The library's many research databases are available anytime, anywhere to currently enrolled CSUSB students.


The library has a growing collection of device-independent ebooks, available anytime, anywhere to currently enrolled CSUSB students. These may be searched via the Pfau Library Catalog. The Catalog also includes a variety of online Government Documents, available to all users.


The John M. Pfau Library is equipped with automatic, electrically operated doors at both north and south entrance/exit points. Fully accessible restrooms are available on all floors. Photocopiers are wheelchair accessible.

Those individuals needing special assistance in using the library facility (photocopying, retrieval of materials, etc.) are encouraged to contact Shana Higgins, Access Services Librarian ( or (909) 537-4527) at least 24 hours in advance to make arrangements.

Any student wanting assistance in learning to use the library's resources may make an appointment with a reference librarian for personalized instruction. Contact Brent Singleton, Coordinator of Reference ( or 909-537-5083) for more information.

If you have questions about accessibility for people with disabilities in the library, please contact Library Administration at 909-537-5102.