The project, titled “The Phoenix of Gaza XR,” is a collaborative virtual reality endeavor, which uses immersive technologies to document life in Gaza, was developed by Ahlam Muhtaseb, professor of communication and media studies, and her former student, CSUSB alumnus Naim Aburaddi.
Ahlam Muhtaseb (media studies) discussed the work of CSUSB alumnus Naim Aburaddi, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Colorado, Mihaela Popescu (communication studies) was interviewed for a white paper on the impact of the metaverse, Stuart Sumida (biology) commented on the auctioning of dinosaur fossils, and Bob Miller (public administration, adjunct) is being considered for a vacancy on the Yucaipa City Council.
Lissa D. Ramirez-Stapleton, who is an associate professor of education at Cal State Fullerton, will present “Black Deaf Education and Praxis: The Intersections of Culture, Community, and Hope.”
Debora Perez Torres, a communication and media studies professor, believes different lived experiences and environments are an asset to student education. By creating a safe environment for expression, Torres’ students feel empowered to celebrate who they are as individuals.
Cyrée Jarelle Johnson, the 2024 Ford Foundation Disability Futures Fellow, is the featured speaker when the Disability Studies Lecture Series hosts its first event for the 2024-25 academic year. The free talk will take place at 1 p.m. Tuesday on Zoom.
Thomas (T.C.) Corrigan (media studies) wrote about the Inland Empire “news mirage,” and Stuart Sumida (biology) was part of a team that presented research on the benefits of using non-traditional field trip locations.
Lacey Kendall (communication studies lecturer) will serve as host of Growing Inland Achievement’s summit today and Wednesday in Riverside, Treasure Ortiz (public administration lecturer) is on the Nov. 5 ballot for the San Bernardino City Council’s Ward 7, and Alex Lara (education lecturer) also is on the ballot, running for re-election for the Redlands Unified School District’s Board of Trustees’ Area 4.
Thomas Corrigan (media studies) discussed the state of journalism in the Inland Empire, Stacy Ortiz (education) was interviewed about the upcoming LEAD Summit XIII, Brian Levin (criminal justice, emeritus) commented on a UC regents’ decision regarding obtaining non-lethal, military-grade equipment for its campus police, and Meredith Conroy (political science) contributed to an article about the GOP stance on abortion during the 2024 election.
TC Corrigan (communication studies) discussed what is being done to support local news organizations as Inland Empire news outlets shrink their staffs and news coverage, and Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) spoke about IECE’s Veteran Entrepreneurship Program and the Mini MBA Course at the Palm Desert iHUB.