The documentary by Ahlam Muhtaseb (communication studies), “1948: Creation & Catastrophe,” is being shown to Australian audiences by the organizers of the postponed 2023 Palestinian Film Festival Australia to promote an increased understanding of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and Jie Yu (nursing) was quoted in an article about the recent ranking of the Department of Nursing.
Jess Block Nerren ’21, full-time lecturer in communication studies and former interim faculty director of CSUSB’s Services to Students with Disabilities, was named the first Faculty Inclusion Fellow for Disability, Difference and Accommodation.
Jess Block Nerren (communication studies) has been named the first Faculty Inclusion Fellow for Disability, Difference and Accommodation, and research by Timothy Usher (physics) was cited in a trade industry article.
The Faculty Center for Excellence also begins the new academic year with an expanded new structure that unifies faculty support and professional development in one center.
Three university-wide awards – Distinguished Alumni, Emerging Leader and Coyote Spirit – will be presented, as well as the Paw Print Awards, which honor esteemed alumni from each of the university’s five colleges.
Brian Heisterkamp will serve as interim director of Cal State San Bernardino’s Office of Community Engagement, facilitates partnerships between the university and public and private groups off campus, providing knowledge and resources to enrich scholarship, research and creative activity that benefits the public good.
Mihaela Popescu (communication studies) discussed the new CSUSB-Annenberg Pipeline Program with the Annenberg School for Communication, Mike Stull (entrepreneurship) introduced the new Entrepreneurial Resource Center, a partnership with the city of San Bernardino, Andrea Giuffren (criminal justice) coauthored a study on the long-term impact of juvenile crime, and Donna Garcia (psychology) coauthored research on claims of bias by “high-status” groups.
Gregory Gondwe (communication studies) was interviewed for a podcast about misinformation and disinformation being spread in Sub-Saharan Africa, Barbara Sirotnik (information and decision sciences) discussed the state of the region’s economy, and Brian Levin (criminal justice) commented on how recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings have galvanized far-right extremist groups.
Gregory Gondwe (communication studies) discussed the embedded stereotypes and biases in Generative AI models that put the Global South at a disadvantage, and Angela Allen (director of OLLI) talked about the PDC Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in an article about struggling theaters.