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Mathematics Format


Formatting Specifications for the Mathematics Thesis

Students in the Mathematics program use the LaTex template developed by their department. Please see your committee chair for assistance with using the template. The general formatting requirements are listed below.

The thesis is written in LaTex in UC Thesis format:

The Title and Signature pages will be in format specified by the Office of Graduate Studies. In particular the text is in 11pt and the project title is in small caps.

  1. Margins
    • Left margin 1.5 in.
    • Right margin 1 in.
    • Top margin is at least 1.5 in. (the automatic formatting may increase this margin depending on the mathematical content.)
    • Bottom margin is at least 1 in. (the automatic formatting may increase this margin depending on the mathematical content.)
  2. Page numbers appear at the top right of the page, 1 in below the top-edge of the page and 1 in. from the right-edge of the page.
  3. Table of Contents is generated automatically by the software and has dots leading to the page numbers for subsections.
  4. List of Figures is generated automatically by the software and has dots leading to the page numbers for all figures.
  5. Chapters are listed by number and by title; these appear in bold and are left aligned.
  6. Text font is 11 pt in Computer Modern (the LaTex default). Spacing is line and a half. Paragraphs begin with indents.
  7. Headings of definitions, axioms, theorems, propositions, lemmas, corollaries, and examples are left-aligned, numbered consecutively by chapter number and in boldface. The text follows on the same line as the heading.
  8. Definitions are in normal font, with the defined term(s) in italics.
  9. Axioms, theorems, propositions, lemmas and corollaries are in italics.
  10. Examples are in normal font.
  11. Proofs begin with the word Proof in italics and end with a right-aligned empty box.
  12. Figures are centered and are labeled consecutively by chapter.
  13. Figure labels are centered below the figure and have both a figure number and a title.
  14. Bibliography entries are denoted (hence referred to) by the "alpha" option, that is by author initial(s) and abbreviated year of publication.
  15. Bibliography entries will have a combination of normal and italic font as in department examples.