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Learning Aligned Employment (LAEP)

Learning Aligned Employment Program (LAEP) Overview: 

LAEP allows a participating student placement in an educationally beneficial position that relates to the student’s area of study, career objective, or the exploration of career objectives. The program includes and emphasizes positions for students with employers that are capable of providing them with full-time employment opportunities after graduation, or opportunities to connect with other employers that are capable of providing them with full-time employment opportunities after graduation, within their areas of study. 


LAEP Eligibility: 

Eligible students are from an underrepresented background & meet all the following criteria: 

  • At least half-time enrollment in an undergraduate program at a participating public college or university  
  • California resident classification  
  • Satisfactory academic progress in a program leading to a degree or certificate. 
  • Demonstrated financial need Eligibility to work in the U.S 



***On May 10, 2024, Governor Newsom announced his revised budget plan for 2024-2025. It is proposed that the LAEP program will be cut from the state budget. As of now, the LAEP program is paused for Summer 2024 and the next academic year. We will provide additional updates once the state budget has been finalized.***


* Priority will be given to first-generation college students, current/former foster youth, & students who are homeless or at risk of being homeless 


Can high school students participate in LAEP?

No, the program is only open to students pursuing an undergraduate degree.

Can graduate students participate in LAEP?

No, the program is only open to students pursuing an initial undergraduate degree.  As with Cal Grant, students enrolled in a mandatory 5-year undergraduate program can participate.

Students in a teacher credential program can participate as long as the units toward the teacher credential are equivalent to at least half-time enrollment.

Can a student pursuing a second teacher credential participate in LAEP?

Yes, but the LAEP position must be related to the specific credential that the student is seeking.

Can students who completed the CA Dream Act Application (CADAA) participate in LAEP?

Yes.  Students must be eligible to work in the U.S. to participate.

What is an "underrepresented" student?

For the purpose of determining LAEP eligibility, "underrepresented" students include first generation college students, low-income students, students who are current or former foster youth, homeless students or those at risk of becoming homeless, students with disabilities, displaced workers, students with dependent children, formerly incarcerated students, undocumented students, students meeting the requirements of Assembly Bill 540 of the 2001-2002 Regular Session of the Legislature, and students who are veterans.  Please note that underrepresented students must also meet all of the eligibility criteria to participate.


If you are interested in hiring LAEP students, please submit an employer application.


If you have any questions pertaining to LAEP, please email us at