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Parking Fee Waiver for Disabled Students

  1. Did you know that some Disabled Students may qualify to waive their CSUSB semester parking fee? In order for a student to be eligible for the waiver of their Campus parking fee, a student must:
    • Possess a valid state DMV Handicap Parking Placard or Plates in their name, and
    • Have ' ...demonstrated financial need for parking fee financial assistance according to the need analysis procedure for campus based financial aid authorized by Title IV of the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1087kk et seq.).' Authority: California Code of Regulations, Title 5 §42201(b)(6).
    • Submit a CSUSB 'Request for Waiver of Campus Parking Fees,'
  2. Where can you get the forms?
    • Services to Students with Disabilities (UH-183), or
    • Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (UH-150), or
    • Parking Services (UH-039)
  3. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will complete Step One on the form. In order for the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to complete their portion of the form, you must have submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the present year, and the result of that application must demonstrate 'financial need for parking fee financial assistance.'
  4. Parking Services will complete Step Two on the form. Parking Services Office will examine your state DMV Handicap Parking Placard (or plates.) If you have the proper placard/plates and were found financially eligible by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Parking Services Office will issue your Parking Permit at no cost to you. If you are eligible but have already purchased your Semester Parking Permit, Parking Services Office can arrange for you to receive a refund from the Accounting Department.
  5. This process must be completed every semester. Parking permits become available at Parking Services shortly before the new semester.

Parking Fee Waiver for clients of the Department of Rehabilitation

Federal law governing Financial Aid programs and State law governing the Department of Rehabilitation, both require that the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships and Department of Rehabilitation exchange information regarding your Financial Aid and use the information in planning your awards from both organizations.

In brief, the Department of Rehabilitation cannot pay for any tuition fees, parking fee, transportation or books that are paid for by a 'Financial Aid Grant.' A 'Financial Aid Grant' is a Federal Pell Grant, a California State University Grant, a Cal Grant, a Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, a California Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Grant, and/or a SAIL Grant etc.). The Department of Rehabilitation does not have to look at programs like Work Study or Loan programs, or Scholarships, just Grants.

In order to assist you and the Department of Rehabilitation, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships processes your application for financial aid and awards you all the grants to which you are entitled. Award letter (with grants only) are emailed to you and a reminder is sent to you asking you to be sure that your Department of Rehabilitation Counselor completes the Department of Rehabilitation / Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships Information Exchange Form and faxes it to us. It would help them to help you and us, if you were to provide a copy of your award letter to your Department of Rehabilitation Counselor as quickly as possible. Please do so quickly. After we receive the Department of Rehabilitation / Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships Information Exchange form, we can continue processing your award, providing you with the work and loan programs you may have requested. You have to ask your Department of Rehabilitation Counselor to do this each time you get a new award letter with a change in your grant(s).

You are key to making the process work quickly and efficiently for you:

Apply for financial aid early - the priority deadline is March 2 - every year. 

As soon as you receive your award letter provide a copy to your Department of Rehabilitation Counselor and request they complete the Department of Rehabilitation / Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships Information Exchange Form, and fax it to us. If they have any questions, they or you can call us at 909-537-5227.

For additional assistance, you may contact the Workability IV Project at UH-183 or 909-537-7417.