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Employment Policy


Each student employee should be oriented to their specific position and job duties, as well as to the overall department, including job functions, departmental policies, their work schedule, and expectations.


CSU policy (HR 2005-16) stipulates that each campus is responsible for protecting sensitive personal data and maintaining confidentiality of that data under the Information Practices Act (IPA), Title 5, and FERPA.  The Information Practices Act, California Civil Code §1798, et seq., requires the Chancellor’s Office and campuses to collect, use, maintain, and disseminate information relating to individuals in accordance with its provisions.

Student employees who handle or have access to sensitive information (See Definition) are required to complete the Confidentiality Compliance form.  The form is located on the HR page under the heading “Security”.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

FERPA is a federal law that guarantees the confidentiality of student records. Student Employees must not, under any circumstances, release student information to anyone (including parents and employers), unless they have been instructed to do so by their supervisor.

All student employees who work on campus must read and sign an agreement not to violate the confidentiality of any student or the institution. Students should be cautioned not to discuss student information with family or friends and to not check into student records, unless required as a function of their job. Any student employee who violates any portion of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.


As a participant of the Work-Study Program, it is essential that student employees respect the diversity that every individual brings to the institution. A student will not be denied opportunity for employment, education or be subject to discrimination in any project, program, or activity because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, sexual orientation, handicap or disability, disabled veteran, Vietnam era veteran, or protected veteran status.

Sexual Harassment Policy

As a participant of the Work-Study Program, it is essential that students understand this sensitive issue. Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that is both reprehensible and unlawful. No member of the college community shall engage in sexual harassment of any kind.

Providing a Safe and Healthy Workplace

The institution is dedicated to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its employees. Therefore, the college recognizes that one of the most important obligations to its employees is to maintain a completely alcohol-free and drug-free workplace. Illegal use or influence of drugs/alcohol is prohibited. The unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of controlled substances is strictly prohibited.

Student Injuries

Student injuries should be reported immediately to their supervisor (MPP) and Human Resources (HR). If it is determined that the student should go to the Health Center for treatment, they need to state whether or not they were working at the time of their injury. The Student Health Center will determine how to process the student.

Student Conduct Code

All students and student supervisors should be familiar with the Student Conduct Code. If a student employee is found to be in violation of the Student Conduct Code, the supervisor and/or Student Employment Office may file a complaint.

Work Schedules

Students should establish a work schedule with their supervisor that does not interfere with their classes and one to which they can commit.

Meal Breaks

Student workers must be provided with a half-hour break after 6 hours of work.

Comfort Breaks

Students are entitled to a 15 minute paid break for every 4 consecutive hours worked. Most students work in areas where they are free to use restroom facilities at their convenience. In situations where students aren't free to take periodic comfort breaks without some work coverage being provided, supervisors must arrange such reasonable coverage.

Phone Usage

Telephone training should be provided by the supervisor and should include the proper way to answer the telephone, placing a caller on hold, transferring a call, and taking a message. Students should limit use of the phone for personal calls and may not make long-distance personal calls from work. Students should limit use of their cell phone during work hours for only urgent issues.

Helping Student Workers Handle Difficult Situations

Until a student employee is well trained, students may want to forward difficult situations to a supervisor or a more experienced co-worker for handling.

Departmental Dress Code

Individual departments should communicate what constitutes appropriate dress. Business casual dress is generally appropriate for most departments on most days, although certain activities may warrant something more formal or more casual. Although we understand that our students may not have the funds to purchase new clothes to wear to work, modest, clean and appropriate dress is expected.

Orientations vary from institution to institution, but including some or all of the areas listed above will help the student employee to be successful on the job.