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Graduate Students

CSU Graduate Equity Fellowships

A CSU Graduate Equity Fellowship is available to graduate students with financial need who are economically disadvantaged and who have had success in overcoming educational disadvantages. Award amount: $500 - $2,000.


Eligibility criteria:

  • be a California resident or have an AB540 affidavit on file;
  • be admitted to, or currently in, a CSUSB master's graduate program by the effective date of the award*;
  • complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) and, as determined by the Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships, have a financial need of at least $1,000**;
  • be enrolled at least half-time (3 graduate level units) in an eligible master's graduate degree for the term(s) of your award allocation;
  • have a graduate program GPA of 3.0 or higher, and
  • demonstrate the potential to succeed in graduate school and to complete a master's graduate degree program in no more than two years as evidenced by undergraduate coursework and letters of recommendation.


Please feel free to check out our Graduate Equity Fellowship page for more info:

Graduate Equity Fellowship


The maximum annual SUG award is up to the tuition/fee, and SUG does not cover additional campus charges. SUG funding is limited and based on availability of funding at time of review of a student’s financial aid record.  You may not receive a SUG if you are receiving another type of aid that pays your tuition fee costs.

2nd BA

Students enrolled in a 2nd BA degree are not eligible for a State University Grant (SUG).

Graduate Business Grant (GBG)

Graduate students in the MS Accountancy or MBA programs are eligible for a CSU campus Graduate Business Grant. To be considered for a CSU Graduate Business Grant, students must demonstrate financial need in accordance with the federal methodology of need analysis and meet all other eligibility criteria that are applied to other CSU students who are considered for a State University Grant, including classification as a California resident for Tuition fee paying purposes. Eligibility for a GBG requires that the student be paying MBA or MSA professional program fees.

The maximum GBG award shall be the additional per unit graduate professional fee assessed of the student. CSU campuses may elect to make smaller awards. Awarding and disbursement of the GBG shall be after census date for each semester.

Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program

Offered by the California State University, the Chancellor’s Doctoral Incentive Program (CDIP) aims to increase the number of promising doctoral students applying for future CSU faculty positions by offering financial assistance in the form of a loan, and mentorship by CSU faculty. The program is open to new or continuing full-time doctoral students, undergraduate and master’s level graduate students applying to doctoral programs, and lecturers enrolled in a full-time doctoral program. 

Doctoral Incentive Program

California Pre-Doctoral Program

The California Pre-Doctoral Program provides financial assistance for students interested in exploring and preparing for a doctoral program. Through this program the CSU Chancellor’s Office provides assistance as the Sally Casanova Scholars award to juniors, seniors, and graduate students who wish to pursue doctoral degrees. The funds may be used for students to visit U.S. doctoral-granting institutions, obtain membership in professional organizations, subscribe to academic journals, GRE preparation, and to cover the cost of graduate school application and test fees.

California Pre-Doctoral Program